Knee Replacement

Knee Pain Psychology

How To Take Your 1st Pain Free Step

Taking the first step to eliminating your chronic knee pain can be a little scary and many times you will feel all alone. This video covers how there are many people very much like you and you do have support. We also cover how knee pain progresses and gets worse over time unless you begin to create space in your knee joint. Without this space all the supplements in the world are not going to help what is going on with your knees…

Knee Pain Psychology

2 Knee Replacements and a Truck…

Have you ever driven behind a vehicle that obviously has been in a serious accident. The entire car looks a little “off.” You can’t really put your finger on it however you know that the car is “crooked” somehow. When the car is crooked like that, will cause certain parts of the car to wear unevenly. Like the outside tread of the tires being worn but the insides aren’t touched. Well, that is very much that same thing that your body is going through right now which is causing your right knee to wear and cause you pain…

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