What Comes After Knee Surgery?

By Jill Ross, HealthAtoZ contributing writer

Knee surgery is in one respect like having kids – both teach you that patience is a virtue.

Arthroscopic knee surgery, what I had a month ago on my left knee, provides a faster recovery than traditional open surgery. But arthroscopic or open knee, neither solution grants you any certainty that the pain will go away. So if you prefer to consider “no surgery”, that option is also available now through Say No To Knee Replacement, a completely holistic approach to eliminate pain without the uncertainty of knee surgery.

However, as my surgeon cautioned, surgery is surgery. You can’t rush recovery. If you try to do too much too soon, you make actually slow recovery. “No pain, no gain” should NOT be your motto after knee surgery.

“Healing is very individual,” my surgeon, Michael Jolley, tells me during my post-operative visit. Jolley is an orthopedic specialist with Princeton Orthopaedic Associates in Princeton, N.J.

This encouraging news was overshadowed, however, by what he proceeded to say next about a 70-year-old patient who was up walking the second day after her knee surgery. I am 46, and in contrast, I spent my second day icing my very swollen knee, taking prescription painkillers and groaning.

Average recovery after knee surgery: four to six weeks

By the week’s end, I was back to work, relying on one crutch. At my first checkup, a full 10 days after surgery, my knee was still the size of a cantaloupe. “We can do one of two things,” my doctor advises me. “We can wait for the swelling to go down on its own, or we can drain it.”

Drain it, I say. Six vials of watery fluid later, followed by a shot of Novacain® and cortisone, I finally feel relief. Still, a full five weeks later, I wonder what they mean by “average recovery time six to eight weeks.” My knee is lumpy, stiff and doesn’t have the best range of motion. A mistress of impatience, I wonder if it will ever be the same.

More than 1.5 million knee arthroscopies are performed in this country each year, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS). As it turned out, I am in good company. The type of knee arthroscopy I had for a torn meniscus (cartilage) is very common among pro-athletes, who take a hit to the knee or twist it. As people age, all it takes is a fairly minor injury, such as squatting, to cause a meniscus tear. Torn ligaments like an ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) are other common reasons for arthroscopic surgery.

A dance floor mishap caused my injury. One step forward, one twist to the left and there was this audible crunch.

Most torn meniscus are repaired by arthroscopic knee surgery. Usually the torn segment has to be removed because it does not have any blood supply and therefore cannot heal back to the rest of the meniscus. In knee arthroscopy, a small fiber optic camera is used to look inside the knee and small instruments are inserted to either remove the torn portion of the meniscus or, if possible, to repair it.

The minimally invasive procedure requires three tiny incisions – instead of a big slash in your knee – and can be done in less than an hour of operating time. There is very little scarring and, yes, a short recovery.

Experts say most people after knee arthroscopy are able to return to desk jobs within a week and to more strenuous activities within a month. I was back at my desk job at the end of the first week, back to slow dancing at the end of two weeks, back to heels after three weeks, and back to light horseback riding and country western line dancing (the cause of my knee’s demise) at the end of a month. When I ride and dance, I avoid putting a lot of weight on my left leg. Some people wear a brace to further protect the knee when doing “risky” activities that stress the knee.

Still, I am discouraged. Sometimes after activities my knee is swollen, and it is difficult to straighten after sitting for long periods. The AAOS cautions that the outcome of surgery is often determined by the degree of injury or damage found in your knee. Generally, the older the patient, the longer the recovery time. In my case, I had an average tear. I am just pushing recovery.

Getting better

Regular exercise to restore your knee mobility and strength is necessary, doctors say, and physical therapy, performed under the guidance of a professional therapist, may also add something to your final result. I did not have therapy, although I received a list of exercises to do on my own. The time spent on rehabilitation will be worth it in the end. Make sure you do your exercises.

AAOS gives this advice about what to do after knee surgery:

  • A return to intense physical activity should only be done under the direction of your surgeon.
  • It is reasonable to expect that by six to eight weeks, you should be able to engage in most of your former physical activities as long as they do not involve significant weight-bearing impact.
  • Twisting maneuvers may have to be avoided for a longer time. (Not good news for country western line dancers).
  • If your job involves heavy work, such as a construction laborer, you may require more time to return to your job than if you have a sedentary job.
  • If your knee swells or hurts after a particular exercise activity, you should lessen or stop the activity until you feel better. You should rest, ice, compress (with an elastic bandage) and elevate your knee (R.I.C.E.) Contact your surgeon if symptoms persist.

Several dangers have telltale signs to watch for in the first few weeks after knee surgery:

  • Infection: The knee may become more hot and red, drain pus, or you may develop a fever or chills.
  • A blood clot in the leg or lung: The lower leg (especially the calf area) may become very swollen or painful or you may develop chest pain with breathing or shortness of breath.

If you develop any of these signs, call your doctor right away.

You can find the original article on the website Health AtoZ – https://www.healthatoz.com/

Find out right now what you can do to reduce your knee pain without drugs, shots or surgery by taking our Knee Pain Elimination Assessment – Click Here Now!

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I had arthroscopic surgery on Feb 01, for a lateral and medial tear, cartilage was trimmed away. They also found and removed a bone spur that was pushing on ACL. 5 weeks later I have a lot of difficulty walking due to pain in the inner knee region just below the knee cap. Is this normal? I am walking worse than before surgery and I’m regretting getting it. When will I be able to walk normally. I make a few steps and have to stop due to the pain. I have to go back to work and I’m worried how… Read more »

Customer Service

Hi Carolyn,

These are excellent questions regarding arthroscopic surgery and being able to walk! I would recommend checking out this article Bill wrote on what to expect after surgery: https://www.thekneepainguru.com/what-comes-after-knee-surgery/

If you’d like to speak to Bill directly to discuss your knee pain further… here is the link to set up an appointment: https://www.thekneepainguru.com/appt/


Linda Gardocki

My husband had meniscus surgery 2 yr ago. He has very little meniscus left. Now it hurts when he drives in his hamstrings and often extends to his ankles. It’s to the point of such severe pain that it’s difficult to drive any length of time. Any suggestions?

Bill Parravano (The Knee Pain Guru)

Yes, I’d welcome him into my “Knee Club” group coaching program. If he’s willing to do a little work we’ll get him out of pain and back to feeling good again. Here’s the link with more information: https://www.thekneepainguru.com/lp/knee-club-vsl/

Jacqueline Accordini

I am 31 yrs old have had knee pain for over 11years. I am what they call double jointed. I have had one 18 sprained ankles all because my left knee will give out or buckle and I will fall. I have had 2 arthroscopic knee surgeries with no relief. My last one was almost 3 weeks ago. I know it takes awhile to recover. Im swelling alot in my quads and in the stitches and they are very tender. My knee buckled inward now and still outward. Lucky I have not fallen just yet. This issue has kept me… Read more »

Mervyn McMartin

I had my knee replaced 7 weeks ago. My recivery is doing quite nicely except for one thing. Each step I take I can feel and hear. what seems like bone clicking on bone. It is not painful, but I am wondering if this will go away?


I just had knee surgery yeasterday but my calf is really hurting is that common . I had a torn meniscus

william bryson

I had surgery 10 days ago to repair cartilage damage. I thought recovery was hoping well but on day 7 my thigh began to swell and now the swelling is in the whole of the thigh causing pain and difficulty in walking. Concerned that this swelling is not normal. Limited pain in knee and most swelling has gone down.


I had my left knee Surgery back in early 2015. I recovered in about 7-8 weeks, but hadn’t got my full range of motion. Even today Nov 2017 I have about 120 degree ROM. Recently I have started to do my lower body exercises at the Gym. Noticing that my tendon is super sensitive at times, can feel something inside, I am sure that all the wires had been removed post surgery.

Worried because my left thigh especially quadriceps doesn’t grow at all. and also I am wondering if working out is good idea or no.

Appreciate your help.


Hi, I’ve had meniscus surgery 3 months ago to remove my 50% of my lateral meniscus. Before the operation I could not do quick changes of directions or deep squats as I felt a sharp pain in my knee. After I did rehab and two days ago I tried to check my knee out by doing some light basketball shooting. I felt exactly the same pain as the one I felt before when I changes directions and I feel like I might have had a setback. Is it possible that I might have re-teared my meniscus or it just takes… Read more »


Hi I had meniscus trim about 17 days ago. I had an infection in left stitch after 7 days for which I was given antibiotics. I’m up walking generally fine but still get pain on the area that hurt before the op. I also still have some fluid in front of knee which causes pain too sometimes if in wrong position. Is this all normal pain or does it mean that surgery has not been successful? Any help appreciated.


The doctor says its normal to have pain this early? But I want to know if it is? Surely in general the knee may be sore and swollen but in the same specific place? Any ideas?

Mary Woodward

I have had total knee replacement on both knees. Not a good experience. The one knee was done and then came loose, this was after repeated trips to the doctor and other doctors and being told nothing was wrong with my knee, it was fine. Found a doctor in Baltimore Md. (I live in PA) and went to see him. He said I had a screw hanging loose in my knee and that was causing the pain. He fixed that. Then my knee replacement had come loose and he fix it. He took out the first replacement and put a… Read more »

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Frank Bryan

Hi, I had knee surgery 2 years ago in left leg, now its swollen in calf area, and its been swollen since last surgery, alot of swelling and it stings alot, I know I have another medial meniscus tear, but after 2 surgeries, doctor said, I shouldnt have another surgery could make leg worse, but what is causing the swelling..I also have hard time breathing at times.Also keep in mind, my back not all the greatest either.

Sharon Spencer

On May 7th of this year I had a torn meniscus repair. I was sent home with a walker and felt fine until late that night when I got up to go to restroom I blacked out not only once but twice. The second time I was having trouble breathing and was rushed to the ER I had a Pulmonary Embolism and was in ICU from the 8th of May to the15th during that time I Coded and was on blood thinners. It has been almost seven weeks now. I know I had a week set back when I couldn’t… Read more »


My daughter is 12 and is 5 months post Patella reconstructive surgery. She has started having sharp, stinging feelings in her knee (not just on the scar, but random places on knee). What causes this? Her Patella shattered as result of a Quadricep that was weak and the timing of a dance move was perfect (or not so perfect). She has returned to restricted dancing 1x a week.


I’m 34… About 5 weeks ago I had surgery to reattach my meniscus. It was completely torn off the bone and though no surgical intervention was needed, I also had a torn ACL and a fracture to the tilbial plateau. My injury was 1/29 and my surgery was 5/5, due to me being in denial. Anyway, I am at the end of my rope as far as pain. I suffer from frequent spasms and pain so bad that I literally scream. They gave me pain meds for 2 weeks and that was it. I had to fight for muscle relaxants… Read more »

Tricia Gray

Hi I had two total knee replacements in 2007. I have been pain free until this Jan(2015) when I fell in the storm. Now I have a lot of pain at the bottom of one of my kneecaps. I have been through physical therapy and I feel better . However now I am exercising on my own and I feel some movement in both kneecaps. The wierd thing is that ..I FEEL MOVEMENT IN THE OPPOSITE KNEECAP. this is not constand but for example I do a set of ten or fifteen and during that set I will feel movement… Read more »


I tore my acl a 8 years ago while recuperating i developed a massive blood clot, then had reconstructive surgery, i recently had my 4th arthroscopic knee surgery with repair of meniscus tear Knee is still swollen and stiff . while sitting for just a couple of !minutes im in alot of pain when i try to stretch out my knee and when I do stretch it out it pops…have only taken Advil as I don’t like the pain meds I was prescribed. I have a job that requires me to stand 4hrs a night and a job where I… Read more »


I recently had my 4th arthroscopic knee surgery with repair of meniscus tear
Knee is still swollen and stiff . while sitting for just a couple of !minutes its hard to stretch out my knee and when I do stretch it out it pops


HELP! I’m 12 weeks post.TKR. I’ve been to three physical therapists and each one has said that they’ve never seen a knee like mine……stiff, locks up, and so much scar tissue. The explanations I’ve had for my lack of ROM, scar tissue and severe pain are : I’m a white female at menopausal age with lack of estrogen(a lubricant), I had a surgery 37 years ago on the same knee, I had a total ankle reconstruction on the same leg 15 years ago, I have osteoarthritis, had spurs, a cyst behind the knee, was bone on bone, had a tear… Read more »


i had surgery on left knee torn miniscus 3y ago then again 12 month later where they said i had start of synovitis , , constant pain ,swollen knee, it gives way regular, they put me on morphine tablets been taking them for 2y but not all time as scared of getting addicted , iv now been refered back to ortho by my doctor as she says it needs sorting ,as strain on good leg is taking its toll, waiting for hospital appointment ,im 48y ,some days it really gets me down


I’m 10 weeks post TKR on my right knee. Pre surgery, I hadn’t been able to walk on bend or straighten my leg about 3 months. I had ACL surgery 37 years ago and recently.was diagnosed with osteoarthritis. My MRI showed a torn meniscus horn, arthritic spurs, a cyst and.bone.on bone. I had to wait to see an orthopedic surgeon until I applied and qualified for Obama Care. The doctor came highly recommended and recommended aTKR. Now that I’m having such a hard recovery and wonder if I should have had physical therapy to strengthen my muscles before the surgery.… Read more »


I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis and had an MRI. it showed a cyst, arthritic spurs and a torn meniscus horn. I was bone on bone, and hadn’t been able to walk on, straighten, or bend my right leg; not a full night’s sleep either due to pain and swellingng for about 3 months. I had to wait to get.insurance in order to see an orthopedic surgeon

Becky Schultz

I had surgery almost 8 months ago for a torn meniscus. I can barely walk more than half hour without extreme pain in my knees. (My other knee was replaced 3 years ago). I am 64 years of age. I feel and get around worse than some 85 year olds! What can I do to relieve my knee pain?


Hi, I am 17 and I had my first injury on my right knee two years ago while playing a basketball game with girls who didnt know how to play. I thought it wasnt a big deal, so i just let it be. during the two years of time, i have been on and off crutches because of my knee popping out constantly. well a month ago, i finally took action and got an MRI only to fint out that i tore my acl and meniscus. the doctor told me that he suspected the acl tear was probably from the… Read more »


This site has really helped me understand what to expect, however I feel I have a bit of a different situation. I had my arthroscopic surgey 2 weeks ago. I didn’t have massive intense stabbing pain until about day 3. I was not expecting that. I had massive swelling for over a week. I had a lot of chondromaslia debradiment along with a partial quad tear and adhesions. This has made my quad disengage. I have been working hard at therapy and outside of therapy, yet today was my first day not using a crutch. I haven’t been able to… Read more »


Hi I completely ruptured my ACL in July 2014 and I also tore my medial meniscus. I had an ACL reconstruction and had the meniscus repaired in November 2014. My surgeon also said my meniscus was almost not repairable (not really sure what that means), and he said it could give out again at any time. I ended up being in a brace and on crutches for 8.5 weeks. Since being out of the brace, I have not been able to straighten my leg. If I am laying down I can straighten it. I can’t straighten it completely, but I… Read more »


Hi I had arthroscopic surgery 3 weeks ago I had a tear on my cartilage and had knee cleaned out I am experiencing a lot of pain when I’m in bed losing a lot of sleep with pain I’m taking paracetamol and putting cold on before bed having physio I dont know what else to do I can bend leg 120 but straightening is hard Carol


I had surgery on my left knee about a week ago to remove some torn meniscus. The problem I’m having is swelling above the knee and the quad muscles are so tight I can barely move my leg. I believe the quad muscle are so tight because of limping on that leg. Any suggestions? Is that swelling normal?


Hi this is Raghuram i have gone through Knee Open surgery on my left leg & 3 loose bodies were removed, it has done almost 5 years back but still i have a lot of pain, i cant sit for long time,cant walk, kindly help me out with some excise so that i get some what of pain relief. Please help me out.


it has been 3 days since my ACL surgery diet wise everything is back to normal but i cannot poop for last three days is this a normal issue after ACL operation ? please recommend the solution please


Hello, I ruptured my ACL and torn meniscus at the very end of last year. I did my surgery through ACC (support from government) in June. It’s been 5 month already and I still have pain on my knee. I told my surgeon and physio about the pain every visit and they said it will go away later but I still have them with me. I am doing rehab exercises such as cycling and leg exercises at the gym but have difficulty in running because of pain. The pain comes when I stretch my leg. Still my right knee cannot… Read more »

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Jin,

Thank you for your message.

I can definitely understand your concerns and I want to get you in the right direction. From what you’ve told us, its seems that you would be a great candidate for Bill’s one on one coaching. I suggest scheduling a date/time to discuss your concerns with bill and to discuss the benefits of the coaching. Please click on the link below.



Customer Support


I originally injured my right knee by falling off a ladder. 7 Mionths later I had surgery for two tears in meniscus. Pain never did go away, and during the summer is got worse. Dr finally did another MRI and found another tear. So end of Sept I had another surgery. It is now end of October and still have pain. Dr has told my it wont get much better as I know have arthritus in my knee. I still have trouble doing stairs and kneeling. I am only 46 years old. I do Maintenance so I do alot of… Read more »

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Joe!

Thank you for contacting the Knee Pain Guru!

We appreciate your message and we welcome your questions! After reading your message, I feel that this will benefit many other subscribers in Bill’s Inner Circle by sending this over to him. I have submitted your question to Bill and he will address your concerns on the next live call. Your submission number is :: 12216.

For more information and call schedules, please click on the link below.

Feel free to reach out to us for further assistance.


Customer Support


Hi, I am writing on behalf of my father, aged 58, who recently had knee hole surgeries in both knees. Now 2 weeks have passed after the surgery, and still a yellowish fluid oozes out of the left knee. The right knee is fine though. The oozing out is more when walking or moving the knees. When consulted the doctor who performed the surgery, the doctor informed that it would heal gradually. But still the fluid keeps out oozing out and Dad is bit tensed of the situation. Just want to know if this is perfectly normal or I should… Read more »

helene huffman

I like to know what makes my knee stiff and had 4 surgeries on it and do I suppose to excerise it,it hurts me so I cant do my work anymore and etc please help me with your comments

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Helene,

Thank you for your message.

I am going to contact you via email to discuss what you are experiencing.


Customer Support

Alicia wolf

I had my scope 5 days ago and the lai. In my calf is now almost unbearable! Its stiff and sore like a Charlie horse. Is this normal?? I figured my knee would hurt but not my calf.

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Alicia,

Thank you for reaching out to us.
Arthroscopic knee surgery, provides a faster recovery than traditional open surgery. However, arthroscopic or open knee, neither solution grants you any certainty that the pain will go away. For information on what you are experiencing please take a look at the link below. If that does not address your questions, please reach out to us at customerservice@thekneepainguru.com



Customer Support


i had meniscus repair in 2012 and I still have lots of burning, throbbing pain in my left knee and pain shoots up to my back. The doctor gave me 4 injections already and I’m exercising religiously; despite all that no improvement. What can it be, that hurts so much…

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Madu,

Thank you for your message.

I can understand what your going through and I want to help! Please try using the stretches below. I believe this will provide you with some relief!


You may also want to check out Bill’s Inner Circle here:

Feel free to reach out to us at any time.


Customer Support


Hi, I had arthroscopic surgery just 11 days ago. I’m 54 yrs old, in fairly good shape. I’m an American working in the middle east. My Dr. is a British trained Dr. Mine left meniscus popped while going up the stairs. I drove myself to the hospital and drove myself back after a few hours of recovery. I could walk on it and I did, so as to avoid stiffness. I had the same surgery on the same knee about 8 yrs back and I did the same thing, but all of a sudden my leg is in pain and… Read more »

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi there,

I’m sorry to hear what you are experiencing! I suggest reaching out to Bill about what you are going through. Please enter as much information as you can on the link below and schedule a date/time to speak with him


dorothia dennison

Hello my fiancé had meniscus surgery on his right knee on may 9 2014. It has been 4 months since his surgery and he is still in constant pain numbness here and there and a constant burning sensation in his knee. He still has the popping in it that they said would go away after surgery and has not. When it pops it you can literally see his knee cap pop. He has complained to me that it hurts worse now then before the surgery. He also had to have his knee plate grinded down as it had become jagged… Read more »

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Dorothia,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

I have contacted you via email regarding your concerns. I look forward to chatting with you!


Customer Support


Hello, I slipped and fell straight down on my knees in October of 2013. January 15th, 2014 I had my first anthroscopy, after months of swelling and severe pain.I had a slight tear in the meniscus and a lot of arthritis. I am active, in pretty good shape and eat a healthy diet. I followed all the instructions the doctor gave me and things were ok for a little while then started up again, the swelling was severe, heat in the leg and pain. Went for a second operation on May 20th, different doctor, he said he would have me… Read more »

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Kim,

Thank you for sharing this information! I have contacted you via email to discuss this a bit further.


Customer Support


I had knee arthroscopy 34 days ago, torn meniscus. I am 36, 6’1″ 190 lbs. Regular runner prior to the injury. I felt like I was healing quickly and well early on, and my ortho prescribed me zero therapy. He said I shouldn’t need it based on my age and health. I have full range of motion at this point but there is still some fluid in my knee. It’s enough that it’s uncomfortable, but I can’t squat down to the floor without sharp pain. I have also been unable to return to running as a result. Am I also… Read more »

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Odom,

Thank you for reaching out to us. I sent you an email regarding your comment. If you did not receive it, kindly reach out to us at customerservice@thekneepainguru.com to discuss what you are experiencing.


Customer Support


Hello my name is Evelyn.
I had a total knee replacement on 20 August. I was given a T-scope leg immobiliser due to problems with the ligaments in my knee. I am 84 years old and am unsure of the correct usage of the brace whilst doing my physio therapy/sleeping/walking etc.
Has anybody else been using the brace since surgery and could you give me some feedback on your experience.
Thank you for any response.

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi there,

I would take a look at Bill’s articles below:


Mimi|Customer Support

Mrs Vice

I had a meniscal repair 4.5 years ago on my right knee. Just in the last 6 months since I have started going to the gym, it has started hurting extremely bad every single day. About a month ago, I was taking out the trash and it caught and popped while I was walking. So I went to an orthopedic surgeon who gave me a cortisone shot in my knee. He said if it didn’t work within two weeks that I could come back in and discuss having arthroscopic surgery again to see if I have another year or inflammation… Read more »

Knee Pain Support Team

Hello Mrs. Vice,

Thank you for reaching out to us! I suggest booking a free 30 min consultation/knee evaluation with Bill to discuss what your experiencing. Bill will be able to provide great advice and recommendations/solutions for whats going on. If your interested, please click on the link below to complete the consultation form and schedule a date and time that is best for you. Feel free to reach out to me for further assistance.




Had a total knee replacement January 13th 2014 osteo arthritis went to physical therapy completed therapy knee is still stiff and sore went to a rhuematologist she put me on doxy
cycline to make sure no infection leg is still swollen she made a statement I had the wrong parts in my leg how could that be? My orthopedic doctor discharged me in June and stated recuperation could be anywhere from 6 months to one year. Wish
I never had procedure done.

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out to us. I’m going to forward your question/situation over to Bill to address in in next live call. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have additional questions or concerns at customerservice@thekneepainguru.com

Kind regards,

Customer Support


I play basketball and I’ve had fluid drained off 3 times already and sat out two weeks to let my knee get rest and came back and it’s still the same .. What do I do?

Knee Pain Support Team

Hello Darryl,

Thank you for reaching out to us! I suggest booking a free 30 min consultation/knee evaluation with Bill to discuss what your experiencing. Bill will be able to provide great advice and recommendations/solutions for whats going on. If your interested, please click on the link below to complete the consultation form and schedule a date and time that is best for you. Feel free to reach out to me for further assistance.


Kind regards,
Mimi|Customer Support

gulshan bhatia

Had my right knee acl and meniscus arthroscopy in October 2008 n undergone the same in my left leg in august 2014. Kindly mail me for best rehab program, the link for best exercises and especially I heard about the bikram yoga kindly if someone mail me urgently.
Gulshan B

My mail I’d is gulshan0709@gmail.com

Knee Pain Support Team

Hello Gulshan,

Thank you for reaching out to us. We appreciate your interest in The knee Pain Guru’s programs. To better assist you, we will reach out to you via email as requested.


Customer Support


i had acl and mcl surgary about 7 months ago and i recoverd quick like 3 months early and now i have aching im my knee is it bad to have that becuse i play football basetball and baseball so i dont wanna miss another year of highschool sports should i go get another mri

Knee Pain Support Team


Thank you for reaching out to us! I suggest booking a free 30 min consultation/knee evaluation with Bill to discuss what your experiencing. Bill will be able to provide great advice and recommendations/solutions for whats going on. If your interested, please click on the link below to complete the consultation form and schedule a date and time that is best for you. Feel free to reach out to me for further assistance.


Kind regards,

Mimi | Customer Service

Amanda Gammon

Hi im 29 years old just had surgey on my left knee 6 weeks ago. I have three big scares I had 2 screws an my bone an cartilage screwed in. But on the outside my knee is tingling an hurting like a shocking pain. What s going on. This is so different the the knee surgery I had 10 years ago on my right knee that was orthoscopic. Yhis was not orthoscopic.

Knee Pain Support Team

Hello Amanda,

Thank you for reaching out to us! I suggest booking a free 30 min consultation/knee evaluation with Bill to discuss what your experiencing. Bill will be able to provide great advice and recommendations/solutions for whats going on. If your interested, please click on the link below to complete the consultation form and schedule a date and time that is best for you. Feel free to reach out to me for further assistance.


Kind regards,

Mimi | Customer Service


I had surgery to clean up my meniscus tear 3 wks ago. Is it normal to feel throbbing/burning when standing? It is also very painful to the touch on the medial side. Its my 4th surgery and I dont recall the previous ones feeling so bad at 3 wks. It is still swollen too. Any advice would be great on if this is normal or not.

Knee Pain Support Team

Thank you for reaching out to us! I suggest booking a free 30 min consultation/knee evaluation with Bill to discuss what your experiencing. Bill will be able to provide great advice and recommendations/solutions for whats going on. If your interested, please click on the link below to complete the consultation form and schedule a date and time that is best for you. Feel free to reach out to me for further assistance.


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