Range of Motion AFTER Knee Surgery, Osteoarthritis, Bone on Bone #KneeClub

Range of Motion AFTER Knee Surgery, Osteoarthritis, Bone on Bone each present their own unique problem when it comes to recovering from knee pain.

The key to obtaining a deeper level of understanding with your knee healing journey is to begin looking at how the pain in all three situations are the same.

In this video presentation we will be fielding questions in these three challenging areas of knee pain.

Here are the questions answered today:

Peter from The Knee Pain Guru Website

I had my quadracepts tendon repaired after rupture – is there anything in your program that covers this injury – generally I have no pain – just discomfort and a small lack of RoM but figure that scar tissue may still be an isue – surgery was 14 months ago

Mason Peddle

Hi Bill I had ACL surgery ( hamstring graft ) 2 months ago. I can’t get me knee past 90° without massive pain, what would you recommend ?? Great video btw 👍

Jill from The Knee Pain Guru Website

I had a rt kne TKR one year ago last January. I still have screaming pain while bending my knee all the way back. It feels tight and sore on the outside edge of my knee. Xrays say I have a bone spur hook now on the outside of my knee. That is not impinging on my ability to bend my knee all the way back so my heel touches my butt. I cannot sit on my legs or kneel very well. What can I do to help with scar tissue behind my knee to allow me to bend it back. I have more flexibility when I am on prednesone. I have pain almost every night.

Lee Meli

I just completely tore my ACL. So sad. Doctor said half of the people do not have surgery and do ok. Should I do the ligament strengthening, or will that just overstretch the remaining ligament?

Praveena Karuturi

Hi.i have acl grade 1 tear nd pcl..it’s bean an year I stil have pain when walk fastly… Even without pain in my knee,swelling persists…may I knw what cud b di reasn


The rooster comb fluid injection was completely a failure with me. It didn’t improve my osteoarthritis pain. However my cousin got great results with the same treatment. I think it’s all up to one’s body’s action/ reaction to the treatment.

No harm in giving it a try Mr. Bill Parravano, osteoarthritis in pain in the knee joint is physical and real. It’s not in the mind of the suffering person. The rubbing of two very jagged bones on each other causes very real and horrible pain……you know that. So don’t tell us this pain wouldn’t or couldn’t defeat the sufferers, because it will.

Next 3 Steps to get more help with your knee:

1.) Subscribe to “The Knee Pain Guru” Youtube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/thekneepainguru

2.) Go to https://www.thekneepainguru.com/ to watch the video on the home page

3.) Join “Knee Club” here: https://www.thekneepainguru.com/lp/knee-club-2020/ Leave any questions you have below in the comments section…

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Rhonda Lain

Just had knee replacement surgery. Can’t get pass 107 ROM. I know you say you have to relax, please tell me how?? Need help!!

Lauren Griffin

I just had a bone graft, plate and 5 screws put in July 15th. I had a tibia plateau fracture. Now I’m a month and need my ROM to be better. Very stiff and sore when I push trying to bend over 58 degrees. I am not aloud any weight on it for another month.

Rebecca Howell

Hello, I had arthroscopic knee surgery to remove a PVNS single tumor almost three years ago. My leg was stuck for two months prior to surgery in a 30 degree bend. The surgeon straighten & bent it after surgery. And I did 6-12 weeks of therapy having to learn how to walk as I lost all my quad muscle from not using it for at least 4 months. But I couldn’t reach full bend or straightening. I would work out a little but just couldn’t do what I used to, I was always having to stop walking and wiggle my… Read more »

Rebecca Howell

Good question. I figure since I had stopped being as active my answer would have been no. But since I have become very active my answer is yes & no. I have good mobility but I still feel the occasional need to jiggle my knee around because something is catching, & I still have the occasional feeling like I am wearing something tight on my knee. Thanks for your response.

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