Knee Pain behind the knee joint

This video answers a question from Cole who is having knee pain behind his knee joint. It hurts him most when he’s trying to get out of his lazy boy recliner and pulls it closed with legs using his hamstrings.

There were several places I suggested he look and check the amount of tension in those areas. The hips, the hamstrings and the knees. All of these play a role in how knee pain behind the knee continues to be a problem or has the ability to be resolved by the body.

To find out more how to use comfort to eliminate the pain behind the knee go check out, “The Comfort Zone”

If you have questions of your own about the pain behind your knee leave them below or click here to contact me directly.

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michael bailey

Hi I had an oesteochrondoma about 8yrs bk onon te side of my left knee i had it knee was perfect until about 8months ago started noticing pain in the back of my knee its got worse ever since the pain is most severe if I pull my foot up to my bum asif I was stretching my quads..I have an MRI on the 20th Jan 2020 do u have any possibility to wot I cud be

Pauline armstrong

I will do, I will make an appointment tomorrow and once once doctor tells me what her opinion is, I will contact you, so once again, thank you Bill.

Pauline armstrong

I fell 4 years ago and my knee cap halved in two, I had op to fix it, a year and a half later I could not bend my knee fully and had 2nd op to remove the wires that held knee cap together, but I still can’t bend knee fully, a couple of days ago my knee started to swell up, feels tights and is painful to walk, behind my knee at back of the leg is really sore, can you tell me what’s wrong. Thank you Pauline Armstrong

Pauline Armstrong

I will be totally honest with you Bill, I’m scared to go to doctors in case I need another another op, I’m 54 yrs old and can’t bear the thought of another op, I bought a knee support today to see if that would help, but my knee looks worse, I’m getting pain behind the knee real bad when I try to straighten my leg. But thank you for your reply,

iben maria larsen

i ask DEAR .BILL,
Why is there pain, directly under the patella on the inside the knee, when i go from sitting to standing??
2. How come there is a hard tendon on the back of the knee to the outside, so i cannot bend the knee, up under me when i stand, raise and lie Down. i have tried the comfortzone, what can i affirmate in that zone.
with love iben maria larsen , denmark

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi there Iben Maria!

Thank you for reaching out to us! To better assist you, I have contacted you via email.

Kind regards,

Customer Support


Bill, I have pain at the back of my right knee on the left hand side. I have had this for months. I can feel it either walking or sleeping.Will these stretches help this?

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Pamela!

Thank you for your messages. Yes! Definitely try and work with the stretches-If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact us at

Kind regards,

Customer Support

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