How to understand your doctor’s diagnosis of your knees is crucial to taking your power back when you feel knee pain. Many time is seems like a doctor’s diagnosis is like understanding another language. There really is nothing to fear, doctors are human just like you and I and asking a few simple questions to alleviate much of the fear when you hear “the verdict” from your doctor.
When you don’t have enough knowledge about medicine and its terms, then you will really have a hard time comprehending what the doctor’s diagnosis really means. Here are the three tips for you to able to understand the doctor’s diagnosis very well. Every consultation with your doctor about your condition is very fundamental, every word and minute counts:
- ASK QUESTIONS. There’s no harm in asking. If you can’t understand what the doctor is saying, do not hesitate to ask. Everything should be made clear to you. You should understand everything that the doctor is trying to explain about your situation. As much as possible, do not go out from the doctor’s clinic if you don’t have adequate knowledge about your condition. Consultation fees are quite costly; you can’t go to the doctor over and over again to ask questions. You can ask for simple, plain English, explanation of your diagnosis.
- KNOW FULLY THE NATURE OF YOUR DIAGNOSIS. There is some pain that is a mechanical dysfunction, where something is broken or torn, or some are non-mechanical dysfunction. In order for you to choose your management about your pain, research. Some knee pain may need to take a conventional medical approach to heal the condition. This could mean surgery if the break or tear is severe enough.
- IF YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT YOUR CONDITION, RESEARCH ABOUT IT. If you’re hesitant enough to ask questions, you may research about your condition. There’s a lot of useful information on the internet. Self-education is also important for you to practice independency.
Sometimes you may need support above and beyond your doctor’s diagnosis. There are plenty of instances where the doctors do not have the answers and you’ll fall into a “grey area” that leaves you in a place of just having more questions and in a downward spiral of “pain management”

Bill is “The Knee Pain Guru” and “The Best in the World at Eliminating Knee Pain without Drugs, Shots or Surgery.”
He has over 26 years of martial art and body work experience understanding movement and tensions patterns that lead to physical pain.
Bill’s believes the nervous system is the key to the body’s healing and the bridges the gap between what we currently know and the infinite possibilities of what we don’t know yet how the body can heal itself. Coupled with comfort this combination creates the shortest distance between a life riddled with pain to a physical life fully mobile and self expressed.
“You can’t think your way out of pain. Pain is not rational and doesn’t care what you think. You must feel your way out of pain through comfort. Through the weeks, months and years of injury and compensation patterns built up in your body limiting your movement and making you feel older than your years.”
His unique ability of identifying the blocks that keep people stuck in pain and skillfully removing them allows for lasting change and a new reality for his clients…
===> Click here to setup your Knee Pain Strategy Session with me and learn <===
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