Understanding your Doctor’s Diagnosis

We’ve all done it. You’ll be sitting on that crinkly white paper, trying to listen to what your doctor is saying about your condition, but not really feeling like you have a clue as to what any of it means for you or your pain.

If you are in knee pain, your chats with your doctor about your diagnosis are especially vital.

The most important thing you want to know during your appointment is whether you have any mechanical dysfunction in your knee. This means that either something is broken or torn in the knee.

If this is the case, you will most likely need to take a conventional medical approach to healing the condition. This could mean surgery if the break or tear is severe enough.

If there is nothing mechanically wrong in the knee or if the tear is minor, you will be free to choose a more holistic method for treating your injury.

A holistic approach to knee pain applies to you whether your pain is from Arthritis or patella tendonitis, your body uses the same basic steps in order to heal itself.

When you relax your knee, the nerves calm down so that your brain stops receiving a pain message. Relaxing the knee creates a small amount of space for the nerves in your knee joint.

When there is space for all of the parts of your knee to function without being squeezed, the nerves in the knee will no longer be tense, meaning no more pain.

For you to proceed with an alternative treatment, get clear information from the doctor about the condition of your knee. You want to know that nothing is torn or broken. Then ask for a simple, plain English, explanation of your diagnosis.

With that information, you can use my method to start healing your knee pain.

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Had an arthroscopy done in 2008.
Right medial meniscus Grade IV
Behind patellar Grade III
60 years old and used to play soccer.
Would like to go back and enjoy some recreational soccer based on age, but not at the expense of impaired mobility moving forward
Candidate for ultimate knee replacement.

Dorothy Wood

I simply have zero cartilage in my left knee — and not much in my right knee!

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Steve,

I’m sorry to hear what you are experiencing and I definitely want to get you some quality answers for what you are experiencing. This is such a great question and I’m sure everyone would benefit from hearing the answer to this! I will submit your question for Bill’s next live call. Please be sure to join! https://www.thekneepainguru.com/members/knees-for-life-inner-circle-hangout/.


Mimi|Customer Support


My doctor stated that I have arthritis in the three chambers of my knee? He recommended knee replacement. I had an issue with my knees, swelling, pain, locking beginning about 20 years ago. I started Prolo treatment with a Naturopathic Doctor. This treatment worked for more than 20 years. I walked in a fence post hole and hyperextended my right knee last summer, there was a gradual progression of pain for about two months and then I could not walk for two days. I am now in the nineth month of my inability to walk more than 100 yards without… Read more »

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi James!

I’m sorry to hear that you are still experiencing pain. Have you reached out to Bill about possible coaching? If not, please reach out to us at customerservice@thekneepainguru.com and I will be happy to provide some information on the program.

Kind regards,

Customer Support


Dear Guru, I had knee-pain for some years now and had a severe nerve pulling in the left knee in Sept 2011 while climbing some steps upstairs in my house. The pain was very excruciating and I could not put my raised leg on the floor and and was taken in an ambulance to the hospital . The Doctor gave me an injection and said that I had OA and prescribed some pain killer medicines and advised physiotherapy. The pain subsided but I could not go for walking which I was doing regularly after my by-pass surgery in June 2010.… Read more »


I have got caught to somany trickesters on the internet that I am very vary of themnow. How do I know for sure that you are any different

Rewa Kapo

I was told by my Doctor that I have poor blood circulation in my knee and I have sis inside my knee which could be the cause of my knee pain.

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