Knee Surgery or NOT? What to Do with a floating Meniscus Tear?

Knee Surgery or NOT? What to Do with a floating Meniscus Tear? So many people are terrified to have knee surgery and for good reason. Complications and the risk of infection are major things to consider whether to have surgery or not.

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Bert Heisters

Hi Bill.Have pain in my left knee.I had a swelling for a few days,but that has eased.Relief after sleep and reoccurring pain during the day for the last 3 weeks.
I dont feel any bits of meniscus floating around,but it restricts my movements and activity.
I feel the pain like a hairline between the two leg bones.
I would like to avoid surgery and wonder if i can speed up the healing process with nutrition,rest,icing,life style changes?
Many Thanks
Bert Heisters

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