5 Ways to Care for Someone after a Knee Replacement Surgery

Post-surgery is the most difficult time for the patient. The person may most likely experience pain, frustration and most of them, general tiredness because it is difficult for them to get around. For those caring for patients who underwent a knee replacement surgery, having caregivers or family members help them out in daily tasks is imperative. Here are 5 simple ways on how you could assist them in getting around.

  1. Help out with the household chores
    Not being able to move makes it hard for them to do tasks around the house. You can help by washing the dishes, shopping, cooking, laundry and various household responsibilities. Also consider that patients need to take the right food, get the prescribed supplements, and having plenty of rest during this period.
  2. Assist with the medications and wound care
    As much as possible, be present when the doctor or nurse is explaining the medications and other treatments during the hospital stay and after surgery. It is important that the medicine prescribed is taken as scheduled and prescribed. Wound care should also be monitored for infection, inflammation, swelling, bandages and dressings.
  3. Support and motivate
    At any point in time, the patient may feel frustrated because they can’t move around as much.  This requires A LOT of patience. They may be easily angered and saying that the situation is hard, painful and become depressed.  You need to encourage them and motivate them to stick to the plan.
  4.  Assist during medical appointments
    They can’t do it alone. It is very important that you stay close with them and communicate with any issues that may arise. Help patients by keeping track of scheduled appointments with the physical therapist as well as transportation. It’s vital that patients stick to the treatment regimens so they can recover faster and ease uncertainties towards their health.
  5. Track improvement
    Keeping track of their weekly improvement will keep their hopes up and encourage them to exercise more. If there are drastic changes (good or bad) in their conditions, it’s best to contact the doctor immediately.

These simple ways of assisting patients live their life as normally as possible is a great way to speed up the recovery process. Provide support and encouragement to stay on track and do the necessary work for a full and long lasting recovery. Know more about what comes next after the knee surgery here.

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Amanda Drew

My husband has really bad knees, and he hasn’t been particularly kind to them. So I think that he’ll need to get surgery on them. Thanks for pointing out that after the surgery, it’s important that you are there when the doctor or nurse is explaining the medicine that your loved one will be taking so that you’ll be able to help with it. We’ll have to find somewhere for him to get the surgery from and then I’ll have to be there whenever he talks to the doctor we find.

Andrea Myers

I like how you mentioned that giving encouragement and motivating the patient to stick to the plan will help them a lot because recovering from this will require a lot of patience from them. My brother is going to see an orthopedic surgeon for knee surgery and would like to help him to recover the soonest. I will keep these tips in mind in helping him to recover.

Delores Lyon

My mother is going to get a new knee this next week, and I want to make sure her recovery goes as smoothly as possible. These are all really great ways to help out, especially doing the chores. I think it would be smart of me to have multiple meals available for her. I want her to be able to eat well even if I am not home.

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