2 Meniscus Tears, Knee Replacement and Still Stuck

2 Meniscus Tears, Knee Replacement, and Still Stuck. Many chronic knee pain sufferers believe a knee replacement surgery or forcing the knee joint with painful physical therapy to get them to the range of motion they desire in their knee.

Unfortunately, they end up disappointed with how their knee feels and performs using these conventional methods to help their knee out. Join me in this enlightening live presentation to discover why this is happening and what you can do to improve your situation no matter what you have going on with your knee.

Here are the questions answered today:


I have had two meniscus tears and finally just had a knee replacement I was stuck at a plateau to where I only could be end of the 90,So the doctor did a knee manipulation followed by 10 Straight days of Hands on physical therapy.

Even after all that my knee steal seems to be the same. Scar tissue seems to be still across the front of the knee inside and outside of knee.

I have been trying to follow the Physical therapy’s orders of restricting the knee by tiring a wide elastic band around my ankle and tied to the back leg of a chair. Call purgatory which forces you to hold your knee back at the ankle for 20 minutes with a tinge unit in heating pad on the knee to get it to give or break the scar tissue.

I have limited walking and limited riding a exercise bike.

These are also causing pain and swelling which I end up icing down and medication.

I am at a loss can you help me

Next 3 Steps to get more help with your knee:

1.) Subscribe to “The Knee Pain Guru” Youtube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/thekneepainguru

2.) Go to https://www.thekneepainguru.com/ to watch the video on the home page

3.) Join “Knee Club” here: https://www.thekneepainguru.com/lp/knee-club-2020/ Leave any questions you have below in the comments section…

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Hi there – I’ve watched several of these videos and signed up for email list and I’m at a loss as to what exactly you mean by “change the neurology of your knee”? Am I missing a video or explanation somewhere?

tania coxhill

Good video, thanks.

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