Convince Me To Relieve My Knee Pain

Convince me to relieve my knee pain is essentially what new visitors to the knee pain guru youtube channel are wanting.

It is not my job to convince you of anything, it’s your job to think and reconnect with your body’s ability to heal your knees.

Being ignorant of universal principles does not make you exempt from them.

Here are the questions answered today:

Editors Verus Publishing

I’m not convinced… Here’s a question: If knee ‘comfort and relaxation’ is the key to relieving tightness in the joint (post TKR surgery, for example) why is an operative knee the most tight on waking… after 7-10 hours of the most beautiful, stress-free comfort and relaxation, i.e. sleep? And then, with the ‘stress’ of exercise and movement, gets looser as the day goes on? Thanks.

Next 3 Steps to get more help with your knee:

1.) Subscribe to “The Knee Pain Guru” Youtube Channel here:

2.) Go to to watch the video on the home page

3.) Join “Knee Club” here: Leave any questions you have below in the comments section…

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