[On Knee Pain] Things that just don’t make sense…

Strengthen the muscles in your legs to get rid of knee pain…

Think about that for moment…

I’ll repeat this question again for emphasis

“Strengthen the muscles in your legs to get rid of knee pain.”

You have a compensation pattern your body has taken on to protect itself from the pain. 

A normal natural response for your body to avoid knee pain. Just like when you stub your toe, you may clench your jaw or bring your shoulders up towards your ears.

Your body has just compensated for the pain it’s feeling in your toe.

When you feel knee pain the response in your body is very much the same. Your hips and lower back will tense up to protect your knee.

Your body’s got all this tension that is doesn’t know how to let go of because it hurts to walk, your afraid to feel the pain in your knee again, and you may not even trust your knee to be there when you take a step.

It’s sort of like a car that’s been in an accident…the frame is bent, it’s driving funny and shakes at certain speeds.

Let’s go back to the strengthen the muscles in your legs conversation…

When you feel pain and you go to strengthen the muscles in your legs in the hopes to get out of pain.

This would be just like telling you to drive the car faster in the hopes that the frame will somehow become magically straighten itself back out.

Do you think there might be something missing in your knee’s healing process?

What would you do for your car?

You’d take it to the auto body shop to get straightened out first before testing it to see how well it does 0 to 60…

This is like taking you knee to the auto body shop…

===> Get Moving Again <===

(The Knee Pain Guru)

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