The Knee Pain – Water Correlation

The Knee Pain – Water Correlation
By Bill Parravano

None of what I am going to share with you today is to be taken as medical advice. This approach is what I used to get myself out of knee pain that I learned over the past 10 years or so. These are truths as I know them. Use what you like and disregard the rest. If you have any concerns as to what you are to do, please consult your licensed health care professional.

I would like to tell you a story, and it focuses around cars…

What do cars have to do with knee pain?

Just bear with me a moment and you will see how this all ties together.

I am going to guess that you probably have a car, and if you don’t then I will assume that you know pretty much how a car works.

Basically, everything in your car is dependent on everything else in your car in order for it to operate properly.

The engine needs to be in good working order.

Gas needs to be in the tank.

Tires need to be inflated.

You get the picture.

When something goes wrong in your car, it is important to take it to a mechanic who will diagnose what is going on with your car to be able to fix it.

Usually there is an indication of something on your dashboard that will be triggered to let you know that your car needs to be fixed.

Take your oil light, for example.

When that goes off it would be important for you or your mechanic to check underneath the hood to see if you need to put more oil to keep it running smoothly and avoid burning up your engine.

There may be something even more pressing which might be lurking underneath your hood as a result of your oil light coming on in your car.

Now, take that same scenario of the oil light coming on, and instead of looking underneath the hood to find out what is wrong, we go underneath the dash and pull the fuse for the “check oil light” and continue to drive your car like you always have.

What do you think would happen then?

That’s right, your car’s performance would probably decrease significantly to a point of breaking down where it might not even run.

That doesn’t make a whole lot of sense now, does it?

Like the old saying goes: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

However, that is exactly what you do when you ignore what is going on in your knees, and when you experience knee pain, and decide to take pain killers to keep pushing yourself on.

This is exactly what I would like to talk to you about today with regards to your knees.

How can you look at your knee pain differently and begin to address what is going on “underneath the hood”?

Your body is the dashboard.

Like the dashboard on a car, your body’s nervous system lets you know when something is going on that needs to be paid attention to.

There are lots of indicators that many times are glazed over in an attempt to keep up with the busy schedules you maintain on a daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly basis.

Indicators like fatigue, tension, stiff necks, stiff backs, sore shoulders, tight jaws, headaches and countless others, including pain in your knees.

You can probably think of a few I haven’t covered you are feeling right now.

The list goes on and on.

The thing is, the one that most people finally pay attention to is pain.

Even then, we are taught to “suck it up,” “walk it off,” “ignore it,” or “just do it,” not to mention a whole host of other lines you have been brought up with since you were young.

Going back to the car analogy, at the point where you are experiencing pain you have already crawled underneath the dashboard and pulled the fuse for the “check oil light.”

You really have no idea what is happening to your body, and you are in a panic to find someone or something that will take away the pain.

Many times you see your only option is painkilling drugs and shots, or possibly even surgery.
This is the point where you are looking at damage control, choosing the lesser of two evils instead of making healthy, informed choices that have your best interests in mind.

I know you would like to make better choices; however, the deck is stacked against you.

Nowhere out there is anyone trying to help you recognize what your body is saying, let alone telling you what to do after you find out what it going on.

However, in looking at and understanding your body differently, there are some basic, fundamental things you can begin to do to get control of the situation and take back your life so it’s not overrun by your knee pain.

Water is key to all life here on this planet.

It flushes out toxins in your body and keeps your organ systems running smoothly.

If this percentage falls too low, you begin to bring yourself into danger of dehydration.

Some of the symptoms of dehydration of only up to 2% of your body’s water weight are as follows:
Thirst, loss of appetite, dry skin, skin flushing, dark-colored urine, dry mouth, fatigue or weakness, chills and head rushes, and that’s only 2%.

When that dehydration gets up to 5% you can expect to see increased heart rate, increased respiration, decreased sweating, decreased urination, increased body temperature, extreme fatigue, muscle cramps, headaches, nausea and tingling of the limbs.

Now, I am going to look at a water loss of 2% from a normal person, so let’s look at some real numbers on this. Let’s say you have a 200-pound person that, as we said before, is 80% water, which means you are looking at about 160 pounds worth of water weight.

A 2% loss in water will equal about 3.2 pounds in water weight!

During a normal day in normal humidity, a this 200-pound person will lose approximately 2.5 quarts of water. This water weight includes water loss from breathing, sweating and urinating.

Water weighs 8 pounds per gallon, so you are looking to lose about 5 pounds a day alone just in water weight from a normal person on a normal day.

Why am I telling you this?

Because when you do not drink enough water, the internal state of your body becomes more acidic, closer to that of battery acid.

It’s all tying back into that car story again.

This acidic state sits in different parts of your body depending on your physical makeup.

If this acidic state is hanging out in your knees, it begins to irritate the nerve endings in your knees, sending signals to your brain resulting in your experience of knee pain.

This is actually not a very new concept.

There has been a medical doctor who has been treating his patients and many of them with knee pain for over 20 years with just plain tap water…

So the solution……DRINK MORE WATER!

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Shruthi Bompelli

Adam — you are correct Bill means to say divide your weight (pds) into half and drink that amount in ounces of water. A 200 pds man should drink 100 ounces of water.
I am having a Runner Knee problem and I drink very less water. I will try drinking more water as suggested, check my progress and update in 2 months time.

Magda Loots

Hi Bill

I try to drink 1.5 liters per day. Is that enough? If you say ‘drink more water’, how much do you mean?



Okay so, a 200 pound person (i.e., me) needs to aim for 100 ounces of water per day. Correct? I assume you mean this, as opposed to the other possible interpretation of your sentence, which would be my body weight in ounces is 3,200 so I need to drink 1,600 ounces of water per day.

maxwell ainley

makes sense to me.

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