The “come get your lovin’ tomorrow” Email

Come Get Your Lovin’ tomorrow Email…

No fireworks or any special tips today.

Just a quickie announcement:

“Knee Club” is now LIVE and available to JOIN.

Here’s where to get your login’

===> Join Knee Club <===

(The Knee Pain Guru)

P.S. – If you’re wondering…

Bill, is this REALLY any good? Is your program REALLY all that it’s cracked up to be and worth the investment?

Then here are a few (unsolicited) testimonials that came in just last week:

“I walked miles everyday on the beach in the sand. I really worked my knee. The pain is not completely gone but I’ve seen an incredible improvement.”

~ Lois (59) Registered Nurse

“I’m thrilled this baker’s cyst went away on it’s own! I’m so happy I don’t have a big lump in the back of my knee.”
~ Bob (52) Entrepreneur

“Very thankful we found you. Now if I could only get my husband to do his exercises.” 
~ Wanda (58) Secretary

“If I had gotten out of pain right away, I wouldn’t have learned how to get and keep my body pain free and in shape.”
~ David (57) Electrical Engineer

“My knee wasn’t painful at all, the back pain is gone, and the hip pain comes and goes. I threw 3 round house kicks this week and that felt delicious!”
~ Marlon (41) MMA and Jiu-Jitsu Instructor

“Overall I’m feeling real good. I want to keep strengthening my knee to keep up with the young guys on the mat. There’s not many people that get the body like you do. You have that Judo background and you understand how the body moves. You’ve helped me in a lot of ways.”

– Dr. John Kennedy (51) Chiropractor/Functional Medicine Doctor/Judo Player and Jiu-Jitsu Competitor

 Again, if you want to sign up for Knee Club and get started right away getting your knees out of pain today, then go here right now to get started.

===> Join Knee Club <==

(The Knee Pain Guru)

~ “Putting the ‘FUN’ back into Knee DysFUNction”  

Get Started Today

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