Peg – Pennsylvania, USA:

“Hi Bill, The e-book, Stop Your Knee Pain Now! was for my husband. You & I actually discussed Steve’s left knee at a class you taught in Evans City, PA awhile back. I was busily trying to fix Steve, and frustrated. You gave me some good advice about helping Steve by first discussing with him that maybe he didn’t have to live with so much pain (while backing off on my “fixing”)…and that opened the door to him letting me work on him, and getting some relief. (Steve’s a carpenter and his knees get a hard workout daily, on top of old football injuries.) Then he hurt his right knee. It was a good opening to mention your exercises again. I downloaded them and printed out a copy, gave them to Steve and backed away. Steve didn’t jump right on them, but eventually he decided to try them on his own. Big results. Within 2 days of starting them he was feeling a difference and he’s continuing to do them daily. It’s been about a month now and he is walking noticeably better. So thanks, Peg Hensley”

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