Moving Knee Pain, ROM, Patella Snapping, & Pressure Behind Knee #KneeClub

Moving Knee Pain, ROM, Patella Snapping, & Pressure Behind Knee are all difficult to deal with.

In this short video presentation we will go over all the questions sent in over the past several days outline simple to understand and easy to following directions on how to begin reliving the pain in your knees, increasing the range of motion and bringing mental clarity to your life…

Here are the questions answered today:

Mohammad Imran

Knees locked and not full straightens from last 2 years and the MRI report is also completely normal will it be issue…???


hi Bill, I achieved full range of motion in both knees so I can deep squat , however, the pain relocated to two places:- 1 – burning pain in the Patella and around it, especially when walking I feel the patella “tapping” on the femur. 2 – while standing when I bend one leg, I feel a sensation of pressure and pain from behind. thanks for your helpful advices.


Hi I am excited to start this program. I had 2 bilateral partial knee replacements mid July. Things were coming along pretty well (I thought) until I was wrestling with a tib/fib misalignment in my left knee. This is keeping me in some pretty good pain, an inability to bear weight at a 45 degree angle which is what I need for walking and going both up and down stairs. I’m confused at the best way to make optimal use of the program that I have purchased.

Where should I start?

Because I am in pain, strengthening doesn’t seem to be the place to that simply creates more pain. Even though I have the diagnosis that there is a tib/fib head issue – what exercises should I be doing?

i guess I’m a little confused about how to maneuver around the knee club site for optimal results for my situation. In fact, I’m not even sure where to look for the answer to this question. Adele I appreciate your help on this. I just am not a tech wiz and what might seem intuitive to others isn’t to me. Lost in the program. Imran My name is Imran from India sir….I am unable to extend my knee fully sir ..from last 1 year and also MRI report is normal sir And sir this is my MRI report can u say what problem in it Doctors are saying it’s a quads weakness…

Next 3 Steps to get more help with your knee:

1.) Subscribe to “The Knee Pain Guru” Youtube Channel here:

2.) Go to to watch the video on the home page

3.) Join “Knee Club” here: Leave any questions you have below in the comments section…

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Edgardo Santiago

Hi Bill, I have been seeing a chiropractor lately and my question is when the Doctor is adjusting my upper extremities, will that have any adverse affects on your lower extremities example: misalignments etc.

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