How to Get Rid of Painful Scar Tissue

Scar tissue after knee surgery or an injury is essentially the body’s version of a Band-Aid.

Also known as fascia or connective tissue, scar tissue sticks around after an injury because it helps protect the injured area.

The tissue can be very sensitive to pain. It can also get tight over time and stay tender.

To get rid of this painful tissue, most people employ a technique called Myofascial Release, more commonly known as a “foam roller”. This technique sounds straightforward and easy, and it is.

The only downside of the foam roller method is that it is extremely painful. Putting all of your weight on the spot where you are most sensitive is not a gentle approach. Nor are the other techniques that people use like a tennis ball or knuckle to apply a deep tissue massage.

There is another way.

Working with the nervous system allows you to get to the source of the pain without hurting. Your body can be taken to a place of comfort and your nervous system will relax and let go of the tension.

When the tension is released those places with scar tissue will be less sensitive. While this method can take more time, it allows your body to release pain naturally so that your body responds and starts to heal itself.

The best approach to tender scar tissue is to combine these two methods into one. If you start by relieving the tension indirectly through the nervous system, you will desensitize the area after a week or two.

When most of the tension is released, you can utilize the direct approach and break up the remaining scar tissue with a foam roller or tennis ball. This won’t be as painful, and you will still see all of the results.

If you would like to try this out, you can begin working with my online group coaching program called “Knee Club.”

Click here to learn more about “Knee Club.”

I know this method is not your mainstream solution, but if you have trouble with painful scar tissue after surgery or an injury, passive stretching lets your nervous system unwind. And this release lets the pain melt away.

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Chelsea Kristiansen

Had surgery on acl, mcl, pcl and meniscus and all needed allografting.. Im still struggling with stiffness and pain when trying to bend. I am in PT but i feel a bit defeated and at a loss because i still lack range of motion. Im still not at 90degrees and my surgery was 03/12/2024

Shelby jean

Also looking for any suggestions on any ways to help my nerves come back so I can regain some feeling. Its obviously numb for 10″ on the outside of the scar. I’m only 26 and this is a nightmare im trapped in

Shelby jean

Hi I just had a surgery and my knee is worse. Riddled with grinding and popping. Doctors denied me mpfl and tto (suffered dislocations since a child) and didn’t do surgery until after I damaged. Cartilage so they made a 10″ incision. They are not helping with scar tissue or grinding and I am desperately looking for a solution to stop it.


Hi, I am 3month post op from a TKR and I’m walking pretty go I’m extension is 100 my flexion 106 but my flexion is give me a lot of problems we think it’s the scar tissue so I massage it and so does the therapist but it doesn’t seem to release now I feel it could be a muscle issue but idk plz help so I know what I need to do

Kim Buchanan

Hello I’m 7 month postop for a tibal plateau fx. I have had 2 MUA with some success. I have very very painful scar tissue that’s interfering with my therapy. My flexion is about 80 degrees and my extension is stuck at about 40 degrees. I’m so lost now because I’m not able to
Walk or do anything and this pain is so unbearable.


I had a TKR in 2018 and am having more pain. The nerve pain then now the scar tissue shooting pain in my thigh area. I’m trying to massage it but it gets more painful. I go to physical therapy once a week. And then pain is new and is very painful. What can I do to help soothe the pain.

Vicky Hoyt

HI. I hope you can help. My son, 32y/o, has had ACL repair in the past, about 4 yrs ago. He has subsequently had two arthroscopic surgeries since to remove a cyclops cluster and he again has a cyclops cluster. Is there anything that can be done to prevent another cluster of scar tissue returning after another removal of the scar tissue. He has has had two lesions removed and it has been not even a year and he definitely has another verified lesion. Please help if you can. Thanks


I had a femoral osteotomy 18 months ago but my problem with ROM .I’m still stuck at 45 degree due to scar tissue in my knee .What would you recommend so that I can get it to bend at least 90 degree?

Tim Andrews

I had 14 surgeries on my right knee which includes 2 total replacements ,a partcial,partial,they say I I server scar tissue the I need to have surgery again to remove it. I’m tired of surgeries I I want to show them I don’t need it, try to find out how that’s my problem I barely can bend my knee I can straighten it to full extension. Any advise


Hi there… Heres my story..I had my knee replaced 3.5 yrs ago and it only bent 45 degrees. Had manipulation done 4 mths after that…no change. Had 2nd knee replacement (same knee) 2 months after manipulation and now it bends 85 degrees. In between all this the quad and tendon ruptured somehow and calcium grew in between the tears so I had sonorex treatments done. I’m still stuck at 85 after 3.5 yrs. What would you recommend so that I can get it to bend at least 95 degrees? I’m early 50’s and not ready to retire from activities. Now… Read more »


I had a ACL repair in May 2016 and things going great until now. I am experiencing pain on the front of the outside knee. I can actually feel something(tendon or scar tissue) is moving whenever I bend my knee and it hurts. Not sure what has caused it since everything seems fine before.


I had a TKR in September of 2105, Got great ROM 130 and therapy went very well. Long story short pain/decreased ROM developed late scar tissue and in March 2016 knee scoped and removed a bunch of scar tissue from the joint and went down hill from there. September 2016 peroneal nerve released due to increase pain/numbness etc. Started having problems with thigh and low back and knee. Just had more scar tissue removed last week and hubby was told it was not in the same place as before and nothing we can do about it to stop it from… Read more »


My girlfriend has been using dermalmd scar serum on her knee after a hard fall while hiking. She has been using it for about 4 weeks and her scar is barley noticeable! She uses it religiously 2-3 times a day, really lathering it in. She loves it and has now been using it on other old scars as well. This stuff really works!

Collin Sarasin

Hi there
My name is collin i had pattela tendon repair will this help. I feel its weak can this bring me back to full recovery

Collin Sarasin

I partially tore it during the football season. I had surgery and 4 months later the tissue is still there its its sensitive. It makes it hard to work out. I went through physical therapy and was cleared. If you have any other questions let me know.

Linda McMillian

I had a total knee replacement 11 months ago. I still have poor flexion due to scar tissue that has formed. It’s very painful to push through the scar tissue. I would love some advice to help with getting rid of the scar tissue.


Do the comfort zone stretches work on a knee that doesn’t bend much at all? I watched the video of walking on the knees and I certainly can’t do that. A patellar tendon fracture in 2011 left me with lots of scar tissue leading to my TKR with patellectomy last year. Two doctors say that “eventually” my knee may bend but I’m not a candidate for more surgery due to the previous tendon fracture. I stopped PT after 48 sessions, glad that my quads were stronger but still with very little knee bend.

harsh balani

Hey bill. I had an accident around a year ago. After few weeks a scar was there on my knee. I used many medicines and even coconut oil and many natural remidies but i am facing problem to completely remove it. I want your suggestions. I wanted to know is there any possibilities of removing knee scar


Thank you, Shalanna. We are not celebrating just yet until we get her thrgouh the new doctors and their tests. Some things have to be dealt with and hopefully ruled out and then we will know she is thrgouh the very worst of everything.


Hello, a year ago I was involved in a motorcycle accident in which I ended up with a broken femur. Surgeon went through my knee to fix it and everything was fine. I was able to regain regular use of my knee as in bending it , putting pressure on it and all that good stuff but it turned out a screw was messing with the tissue on the side of my knee and had to get it removed .I am now almost 2 months post op and my knee feels horid.feels like a shell is on it. I can… Read more »


I had a TKR on Dec. 26, 2014. Going to outpatient therapy since mid of January 2015. Everything was going well until a few days ago. My therapist was stretching me out and massaging on, around the scar tissue area and a tiny bubble/skin popped opened and started to bleed. Every since then the rest of my scar is very painful and now is very hard to bend my knee. The tissue is very thick and is bubbling up. Is that normal and how can I reduce the scar tissue?

Thank you.

Patrick Agwu

I need some help with some knee pain and discomfort. I recently had atrhrosurface knee surgery on my right knee is mid septemeber. Im experiencing a lot of scar tissue in knee which doesnt allow me to get full extension at all. It seems like it is blocked. It also looks swollen because of scar tissue. I also feel the discomfort behind the knee as well.

Thank you!!

Ann Langham

Hi there, I had knee replacement surgery August 2013, had some problems in that I could feel the new parts for a long time. I have no pain now but discomfort due to a tight feeling above and below as well as the side of the knee, I have been told it is not scar tissue, I just wonder what it is and can I get rid of it? The outside of my knee feels like a lump of something there. Any help much appreciated.


I had a tkr in Sept 2014. I’m in therapy and have arthofibrosis which is rspidly producing scar tissue in the joint capsule. What do you think about RRT(Rapid Release Therapy) using the vibration tool. How soon can it be used after surgery with having new hardware. I read the tools manual and it states to stay at leadt 3 inches away from the hardware. Your thoughts are much appreciated.


Good day, I had a knee ACL operation done six months ago and I am experiencing pain and discomfort in my left knee. It feels heavy when I walk compared to my right knee. There is a clicking sound or movement above of my knee cap when I exercise my knee, behind the knee and also behind below my knee cap. I am concerned about my knee and worried about the click in the knee. I can not go in a sitting posture without my knee hurting, my knee feels weak when I try to put more weight on it.… Read more »

Ranjeet Kumar

Hi Bill, I hope you will help me. The problem is i hurt my right knee inner side miniscus 4 months ago, there was some swelling and high pain, i wrapped my knee with knee cap for the support i did it for 5-6 days, i applied heat on the knee, then things came to normal, swelling gone but little pain. Mri says 1st grade Miniscus degenaration. I practice martial arts and i felt the pain again, If i kick my leg in inward direction then something slips and i feel unbearable pain, then i have to straighten my leg… Read more »

Ranjeet Kumar

Hi Bill, I hope you will help me. The problem is i hurt my right knee inner side miniscus 4 months ago, there was some swelling and high pain, i wrapped my knee with knee cap for the support i did it for 5-6 days, i applied heat on the knee, then things came to normal, swelling gone but little pain. Mri says 1st grade Miniscus degenaration. I practice martial arts and i felt the pain again, If i My leg in inward direction then something slips and i feel unbearable pain, then i have to straighten my leg to… Read more »

Lorna woods

I’ve been told I have scar tissue in my right knee. I had total knee replacement 4weeks ago,the pain is excruciating everytime I try to get in bed I can’t stop screaming,what can I do

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Lorna! Thank you for contacting the Knee Pain Guru! Have you tried The Comfort Zone Stretches yet? These are really good exercises to break up scar tissue and will help you create comfort in the knee joint (only the knee) by systematically working with the tiny movements in the knee that squeeze on the nerves the width of an eyelash letting you know you have knee pain. It’s a great place to start to get a feel for the program. Click here to check out the program: Feel free to reach out to me for further assistance. Mimi… Read more »


i had an acl reconstruction and meniscus repair surgery on feb 2014, and till now i am not able to straighten my knee. there is no stiffness but thr is slight pain in the knee. can u plz help me know how to straighten my knee, as i m doing all sort of exercises and stretches.

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Chhavi,

Thank you for your message.

Stop Your Knee Pain Now will help you if you are looking for knee strengthening exercises that also strengthen the legs. These exercises focus on creating strong tendons and ligaments in the knee providing strength and stability for the knee joint.


Customer Support


I had reconstructive meniscus arthroscopy on a bucket tear which seems to be healing well ( 4 mos after) bbut I cannot straighten my knee, recent MRI suggests scar tissue restricting movement. There is not much pain. Can I get rid of the scar tissue without further surgery? Thx

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi there,
Thank you for reaching out to us. I’m sorry to hear that your still experiencing pain. Have you tried The Comfort Zone Stretches yet? These are really good exercises to break up scar tissue and will help you create comfort in the knee joint (only the knee) by systematically working with the tiny movements in the knee that squeeze on the nerves the width of an eyelash letting you know you have knee pain. It’s a great place to start to get a feel for the program.

Feel free to reach out to us for further assistance

Jim Flynn

Hi, I had a total knee peplacement March 2014. On the second day after the op during Physio I had a bleed within the knee. (I am on Warfarin). This left the knee swollen and painful. It was very hard to do the exercises properly as the knee just became swollen and painful. After 12 weeks I had Manipulation under Sedation and they managed to move it 110 degrees but I spite of doing exercises and using a CPM Machine I gradually lost this movement. I now have about 40 degree movement. What would you recommend for me now.

Knee Pain Support Team

Hello Jim,

Thank you for reaching out to us! I suggest booking a free 30 min consultation/knee evaluation with Bill to discuss what your experiencing. Bill will be able to provide great advice and recommendations/solutions for whats going on. If your interested, please click on the link below to complete the consultation form and schedule a date and time that is best for you. Feel free to reach out to me for further assistance.

Kind regards,

Mimi | Customer Service


Hi, I had a total knee replacement 12/11/13. I did all of my physical therapy and exercises at home. My knee would not bend or straighten all of the way before my surgery (for years) and also I was extremely knock kneed. I had to have a manipulation under anesthesia after the surgery, to help my knee get more flexibility. My surgeon says I may not be able to get to the 125 degrees, that he got me to, while I was under anesthesia. I am very active and an athlete. I really am trying to get my knee to… Read more »

Knee Pain Support Team

Hello Sharyn, Thank you for reaching out to us. I’m sorry to hear that your still experiencing pain. Have you tried The Comfort Zone Stretches yet? These are really good exercises to break up scar tissue and will help you create comfort in the knee joint (only the knee) by systematically working with the tiny movements in the knee that squeeze on the nerves the width of an eyelash letting you know you have knee pain. It’s a great place to start to get a feel for the program. Feel free to reach out to us for further assistance.… Read more »



Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Linda! Thank you for reaching out to us. I’m sorry to hear that your still experiencing pain. Have you tried The Comfort Zone Stretches yet? These are really good exercises to break up scar tissue and will help you create comfort in the knee joint (only the knee) by systematically working with the tiny movements in the knee that squeeze on the nerves the width of an eyelash letting you know you have knee pain. It’s a great place to start to get a feel for the program. Feel free to reach out to us for additional questions… Read more »


Sir my problem is very difficult please help sir my right knee opreted 28 Oct 2014 last movment only 90 degree pattela left right movment but up dawn not movment very stiff my knee please solutions my full knee movment

Diego Castillo

Hello, I had surgery a year ago on my ACL and I can’t seem to straighten it out all the way. Every morning I wake up with my leg bent and it hurts when i try to straighten it. Do you think it could be a scar tissue!? If so, how could I get rid of it?

Knee Pain Support Team

Hello Diego, Thank you for reaching out to us. I’m sorry to hear that your still experiencing pain. Have you tried The Comfort Zone Stretches yet? These are really good exercises to break up scar tissue and will help you create comfort in the knee joint (only the knee) by systematically working with the tiny movements in the knee that squeeze on the nerves the width of an eyelash letting you know you have knee pain. It’s a great place to start to get a feel for the program. Feel free to reach out to us for further assistance… Read more »

Claire Hampson

2 1/2 weeks ago My 14 year old son had an accident playing rugby. He scored a try and slid straight into a concrete edge which was holding the rubber running track in place that surrounds the field. He had a full thickness laceration to his knee (the laceration covered his whole knee cap) and went into theatre for cleaning and to be stitched up. He has just had his stitches out but his knee feels very tight even though he is healing very well and his skin has bonded together lovely. He is eager to get back to playing… Read more »

Knee Pain Support Team

Hello Claire,

Thank you for reaching out to us! I suggest booking a free 30 min consultation/knee evaluation with Bill to discuss what your experiencing. Bill will be able to provide great advice and recommendations/solutions for whats going on. If your interested, please click on the link below to complete the consultation form and schedule a date and time that is best for you. Feel free to reach out to me for further assistance.

Kind regards,

Mimi | Customer Service

Allen Yang

Hi, I had a ACL surgery last year on june 28 and from then tip now, my knee has not been fully straight. I had the option of going to therapy, but I could not afford it and so I did exercises on my own. Now my doctor who performed the surgery said that my knee will no longer straighten even if I stretched it 8 hours day. This devastated me. I watched your video and it gave me hope. I have a question though: what would happen if my knee(the one that had surgery) were to move beyond the… Read more »

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Allen!

Thank you for reaching out to us. To better assist you with your question, I have contacted you via email.

Customer Support

Jessica Allain

Hi there, to give you a bit of history, I was involved in a motor vehicle accident a few years ago which resulted in the tearing of 3 ligaments to my left knee. A week later I had them replaced during surgery, I had very poor aftercare and developed arthrofibrosis and had 2 subsequent surgeries to remove scarring. The last surgery was a year ago and helped somewhat but I am still so tight and missing a lot of range of motion despite doing all the correct things to keep the scarring from returning. I suspect since my knee cap… Read more »

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Jessica,

Thank you for reaching out to us! to better assist you with your questions, I have contacted you directly via email. Again, thank you for reaching out to us and I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Kind regards,

Mimi |Customer Support

Mike Evans

Hi Jessica, I saw your comment (request for information) about your arthrofibrosis back a few years ago. I have the same issues following 2 complete knee replacements on the same knee about that same time. My right leg only has about 30 degrees of bend and I can only walk with a major limp. Because of that, I am now getting concerned about my hips and back. I am curious if you have had any success or new information that would be helpful for me? I will also send this to “the knee pain guru” Thanks in advance for your… Read more »


Hi! I am a sophomore in high school and in October of 2013 my knee has been aching a lot. Back in 2nd grade I fell on my knee causing scar tissues and a noticeable scar on top of the knee. I am going to physical therapy to take care of it and it isn’t getting at all better. They are thinking is is the scar tissue in my knee and i have been doing these exercises and nothing seems to work. Do you have any ideas of what I should do? I need to get better soon because the… Read more »


I had a total right knee replacement on 1/4/2013 and still have scar tissue that will not heal. After my replacement I had to have a manual manipulation in April 2013 to further gain my range of motion. My surgeon says that they can do scope surgery to help with the scar tissue, but a doctor that I went to for a second opinion said to not do the surgery as it could create more scar tissue. I still have a “tight band” feeling on one side of my scar and it can get very painful. I still ice often… Read more »

Glenn Deag

Hi, i broke my leg in April this year, my left tibia plateau, and made quite a mess of it apparently. There is a bit of metal holding it together and i am at a point of attaining ROM to approximately 95 degrees bent and to 15 degrees off straight. I have worked, recumbant bike, pool stretching, anchoring 10kg of weights to ankle to straighten the thing and now working on walking in my endevour to straighten the thing. Walking partially at present with stick and partial free waking with limp. Yesterday i walked 1.1km and to me a major… Read more »

Knee Pain Support Team

Hello Glenn,

Thank you for reaching out to us about your knee pain! to better assist you, I have contacted you via the email provided. Please feel free to contact us at 828-585-7275 for additional questions or concerns.

Kind regards,


Gunter Wartmann

Hi Bill ! Does it make any different that i have a Knee replacement ? I bought your E book and Videos , i am set on licking my pain . Could you answer please ? E. G. Wartmann

Gunter Wartmann

Hi ! After the 2nd knee replacement 2.5 years ago , the pain from Scar tissue started to get worst . By now I know only pain , day & night . I do not know what to do anymore i can not think strait because of the pain . Coming across your Web side gave me some hope that maybe you could give me advice what to do ! I am 84 years JUNG and would like to have at least a view years without this excruciating pain in my left knee . I would be grateful for your… Read more »

Knee Pain Support Team

E.G. Wartmann,

Thank you for reaching out to us, we greatly appreciate your interest. To better assist you, I have contacted you via email to discuss what your experiencing and recommend some great products/programs for your pain-free journey.

Kind regards,

Mimi L |Customer Support


Hi Bill, My name is Crisha and I am in the military. I have recently had 2 scope surgeries and one surgery to implant Donovo( cadaver cartilage) into my knee. After the third surgery it took 6 weeks to get into physical therapy and now I have a TON of scar tissue. It is more painful than I can even explain now that I am in physical therapy. My body actually fights with my therapist when my knee no longer wants to bend. It is so painful that when I have to let my leg hang from the side of… Read more »


Hi Bill 9 weeks ago I did a huge tibial plateau fracture, 4 weeks post op the doctor told me my range of movement was poor mostly due to the lack of education I had in moving the leg. This has caused what the doc calls scar tissue causing excrutiating pain when flexing, in 3 weeks with physio I have gone from 70 degrees of movement to 110 degrees but the whole knee joint is so tight. I am working hard to progresivley bend and break through the scar tissue, pain is my personal friend at the moment. Do you… Read more »


Hi bob i have got a built up of scar tissue just below my knee cap after knee surgery . I am struggling to break it down. can you help in some way.

Victor Faulk

I had watch your video and I want to learn more about it. I have being scaring down in my for a few years now so I need help to break up the scar tissue and I want to learn how to do it and my left knee will not fully straighten out cause of the scar tissue.


How cAan i break down the scar tissue that is in my knee after a total knee replacement i am walking with a limp because of it cant straight out knee this has been going on for three years.

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi there Barbara! Thank you for reaching out to us. I’m sorry to hear what your experiencing. Have you tried The Comfort Zone Stretches yet? These are really good exercises to break up scar tissue and will help you create comfort in the knee joint (only the knee) by systematically working with the tiny movements in the knee that squeeze on the nerves the width of an eyelash letting you know you have knee pain. It’s a great place to start to get a feel for the program. I have provided the link below. Feel free to reach out… Read more »


Bill, what is your take on hyaluronic acid? Thanks

K l reddy

I had operated my femer at Knee fracture 12 weekend back. But I had not able to bend 80degrees. It is not able ti cycling . How to get 130 above bend pl give best treatment to me


How does Dr manipulate scar tissue

Alan Kelch

Bill, Thank you for taking the time reading my question. I am hoping you can give me some feed back on my condition. Short history: 2 years ago I started running. I pushed myself too much (and was not running properly) and started to have major calf tightness. Mainly at the top of my calves and behind my knee. I know now I was running to much on my toes causing my calves to work too hard and putting pressure on my knee. Like a normal hard headed guy…I tried to running it off. It got worst. Now the pain… Read more »

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