Here’s an interesting question from Matt…

Matt just had arthroscopic surgery to repair a torn meniscus and asks:

What is the appropriate amount of time wait to begin your program after knee surgery?

He brings up a great question…

The short answer is As Soon As Possible…

The long answer…

There are two kinds of healing the body needs to do to repair the knee…

The first kind of healing is:

The physical aspect of the knee that need to heal…

Skin from the surgeon’s knife and the tissue inside the knee that was cut and fixed…

(Think of the healing that needs to take place when you cut your finger)

The second is:

The healing of the nervous system. This is the trauma response your body took on from the initial injury and then the trauma from surgery…

I affectionately like to refer to this as “The Pucker Factor”

The more trauma the higher The Pucker Factor…

This level of trauma stuck in the body will affect the speed of the first kind of healing…

The tricky part is the sooner you can get your body to let go of the trauma the faster the skin/tissue will heal…

So to answer Matt’s question again:

What is the appropriate amount of time to wait to begin your program after knee surgery?

As Soon As Possible…

The “Pain-Pattern Interrupts” my program teaches you to do for your knee gets the pressure off of the nerves causing the pain. 

This creates relief in the knee joint to relax which is comfortable…

Increases blood flow to the tissue that was formerly too tight…

This speeds your body’s ability to heal your knee…

Click below to read more about my program and subscribe…

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(The Knee Pain Guru)

~ “Putting the ‘FUN’ back into Knee DysFUNction”  

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