The Top 10 Reasons Why Physical Therapy Might NOT Be Helping Your Knee Pain

How many times do you leave physical therapy feeling worse than when you walked in only to be told “it’s going to take time for your knee to get better.” You begin to wonder if a little improvement in how your knee feels is really any improvement at all.

I mean, your body heals a cut on your finger pretty fast, right?

Why shouldn’t your knee feel a lot better sooner if physical therapy was really working?

This type of experience more common than not for those who go to physical therapy regularly.

Of course many times you’ll go to physical therapy because it’s covered by insurance but is that your best strategy?

In this short LIVE video presentation, we will cover “The Top 10 Reasons Why Physical Therapy Might NOT Be Helping Your Knee Pain.”

Share your comments and questions with this enlightening video to help you get on the right path to total knee pain relief.

The Top 10 Reasons Why Physical Therapy Might NOT Be Helping Your Knee Pain

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Let me know if you have any questions…


Bill Parravano

(The Knee Pain Guru)

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hi Bill…Pat here…thanks for video…thinking about craniosacral therapy but with covid and the sensitivity and stiffness in my lower body not sure i could tolerate even a light touch therapy.. actually in videos it looked kinda your earlier videos you mentioned Traumeel topical…my almost 70 yr old hubby has a bad knee and a worse knee slipped meniscus both knees.. 6 mo ago he only had one bad knee, got xray was advised to see knee surgeon…didnt go…today that xray’d knee is better but the other knee is the worse one…back to me not sure if my problem is… Read more »

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