Why I laugh at people with knee pain…

The other day I did a LIVE 1/2 hour Q&A on my Knee Pain Guru Facebook page on Knee Pain caused by Scar Tissue…

A number of my friends were on the call asking questions…

One particular friend, Brandee has been dealing with her knee pain over in Europe, Italy specifically.

Just before Christmas she was heading to the local Piazza and hit a slippery moss covered cobblestone on one of the steps and went flying.

Where she fell was not on a well traveled street and for the most part she could get herself up to move because of the pain.

So there she is in a country where she doesn’t speak the language, in utter agony, not able to walk, right before a holiday that most everyone left town for…

I find that funny! 

Now before you call me an insensitive bastard and judge me… 🙂

Let me tell you another story…

This was the time after my knee surgery…

I got stuck in the bathtub…BUTT *SS NAKED…

Left knee had staples in it from the surgery four days before…

Left leg wrapped in a plastic garbage bag held in place with rubber bands and my toes turning white from lack of circulation…

At this point I hadn’t showed in several days and I couldn’t stand the stench of anesthesia and body odor coming out of me…

I had to do something to start feeling human again…

A bath was to be my first step…

I basically fell into the tub and got myself as clean as sans the parts inside the garbage bag…

The trick now was getting out. 

I couldn’t push off because of my leg and my other couldn’t get under me to stand up…

Nothing to hold onto or pull myself up with and my girlfriend wasn’t strong enough to get me out of the tub…

Honestly, I don’t remember how I got out but I know it wasn’t pretty.

My point is…

I was there helpless and stuck with knee pain…

This is when most men are in the prime of their lives (late 20’s) 

…and I couldn’t even pull off taking a bath by myself…

  • Maybe I laugh because I’ve spent 27 years in the martial arts throwing people or punching them in the face…
  • Maybe I laugh at the absurdity of life and predicaments I’ve found myself in… 
  • Maybe I laugh because I’ve been in a very similar situations with my knee in pain…
  • Maybe I laugh because I know if they listen to what I have to say and follow my instructions…

…and get themselves out of pain…

…they’d laugh too…

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