Holistic Treatment for Baker’s Cysts

If you have a Baker’s Cyst, you may not know how or why it decided to present itself in your body. The answer is that there could be a whole host of reasons.

Basically, Baker’s Cysts are the result of anything that causes joint swelling, whether that is arthritis, a torn meniscus, or an alignment issue with your femur. This swelling in the joint actually blocks the lymphatic system from cleansing the area like it normally does… this lymph blockage creates a pocket of fluid that turns into a cyst, usually in the back of your knee.

A Baker’s Cyst, if left untreated, can become hard over time and could potentially rupture, turning your cyst into a far more complicated situation.

The conventional medical approach for treating a Baker’s Cyst is to have it drained or removed. This may be the best option if you have had the cyst for a substantial amount of time or if it has turned hard.

A lot of the time, however, the cyst can be addressed without surgery or drainage. If the cyst has presented itself due to an alignment pattern in the knee, then the cyst can be treated holistically.

How the joint lines up with the femur can be the result of a lingering tension pattern from a past injury. If you fix the tension pattern by allowing your knee to be comfortable and create space in the knee joint, the alignment problem and the cyst can be treated at once.

It is possible to avoid unnecessary surgery and pain if you take action early. Not only will you be able to resolve the cyst, you will be able to relieve the tension pattern in your knee that created the cyst in the first place.

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Hey Bill,
I went to ER with leg swelling last week. They told me I had a bakers cyst that ruptured. The only thing the recommend was physical therapy. Is there anything else I can be doing to heal the area and make sure the cyst doesn’t come back? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you



I had a patella fracture to my left knee about 5 months ago which has healed, but I developed a bakers cyst a month ago behind my right knee. I’m very active and have never had knee problems in the past. Is this common?


Hi Bill
My son was diagnosed with a bakers cyst at 2 years old never had having any injuries to his legs (was noticed just by his grandmothe)
We are still having issues, the cyst is still there and his now just turned 6!!!
And is in lots of pain
We have seen so many specialist with no real answers
Any advise would be great
I’m in the middle of arranging scans on both legs, he just had blood work done and going for MRI soon I’m waiting on results from bloods first


Hi Bill – thanks for all you do! My husband (32 yo male, normally very active) has had a Baker’s Cyst for over 10 months now. We tried to have it aspirated in March, but the cyst had hardened and the doctor was unable to aspirate it. In the meantime, we were hunting for the underling cause and hit a few red herrings (he does have a meniscus tear, but not large enough or in a place that would cause Baker’s Cyst, he does have hereditary gout, but uric acid levels are fine + he formed Baker’s Cyst in left… Read more »


Hey Bill, I love your mission! In the last couple of months I had some knee pain after a rowing class I tried. Then it went around to the back of my knee and is tight and ache on and off. I have never had knee issues in my life and I have been active all my life. I know my ligaments and tendons are being affected more due to hormonal changes (good ole premenopause). My acupuncturist mentioned it might be a baker cyst. What should my next steps be to tackle this? I greatly appreciate your help and time.… Read more »

Collette Speight

I have a large Bakers Cyst, I have had an MRI and my consultant has told me that Physio will be my best option. My knee is swollen and painful and my range of movement is limited.
Can you suggest anything else that may help me?
Many thanks

Jenifer Yeuroukis

hello, I am a 50 year old physical fitness teacher / dancer. During the pandemic I stopped exercising. Completely. I was too busy learning how to do a new job to survive my massive job loss. In February of 2020 i was having severe trouble walking. I was paralyzed in the mornings and it took forever to get my legs moving – but I pushed on. FINALLY my doctor allowed me to get an MRI and Xrays and an ultrasound (8 months into the pain. insert eye roll) The diagnosis was that a bakers cyst had ruptured in my left… Read more »


Hello, I’ve had my Baker Cyst for over 10 years. I was told I had patellofemoral pain syndrome due the atrophy in one of my muscle in my thigh, due to my ACL reconstruction surgery I had a long long time ago (2003). Last year the muscle that atrophied finally started working. My bakers cyst is not painful and it gets bigger and somtimes smaller. Do you have any holistic advice? Are there any herbs or a salve I can place on it? Thank you & I really appreciate all you do.


Thank you, thank you…


Hi i had acl and meniscus surgery about 3 yrs ago ..and all these years I’ve been dealing with off and on bakers cyst I’ve tried everything under the sun ..doctors recommend therapy but wen I do therapy it makes it even harder to walk been through mri s doctors can’t seem to find n e thing


Hello, my name is Kasandra and I was recently diagnosed with a Baker cyst behind my knee due to Bone on Bone Arthritis. This cyst makes it hard to walk or bend my leg. I just started taking MS, Glucosamine Chondroitin, and Hyaluronic Acid. If taken as directed could these natural supplements help get me back on track with mobility?


Hi sir my name is Ronald here’s the MRI impression
1. Baker’s cyst with signs of leakage
1. Horizontal tears, medial meniscus
3. Mild joint effusion
4. Chondromalacia patella
5. Mild degenerative osseous changes
My doctor recommends surgery but iam afraid. Iam 61 years old now.
Please help can I recover in natural way without surgery?

Bill Parravano (The Knee Pain Guru)

Absolutely there is a natural way.
Here’s a strategy others have followed and been quite successful with:
Let me know if you have any further questions about getting started.


I have a five year old developed a bakers cyst a few months ago been trying to teat it naturally what should I do? I’ve tried homeopathic med frankincense castor oil and hot water bottle compress

Linda krausen

Thank you for this information I have so much pain I cannot walk without a walker and in all cases I have excruciating pain. I was taking tramándole for pain after a hip replacement but the pain meds we’re causing me to lose my balance and I experienced Ces a few falls one of which affected my knee and then I just couldn’t walk even with a walker without excruciating pain. I have been diagnosed with bakers bcyst of the right knee. It is arthritic and bone to bone but I never had any trouble walking before and have always… Read more »


Hi Bill, I’ve had a baker’s cyst for 21 years. I became a big problem with severe pain, clicking in the knee and pieces moving around. I had multiple MRI’s done and eventually had a foreign mass removed arthroscopically from behind my kneecap that I was told was the most likely cause of the cyst. The cyst itself was not removed. I no longer have any form of health insurance and now the cyst is acting up again. It’s about the size of two golf balls joined on end together and it’s hardened. My knee joint is tight and when… Read more »


Hey Bill, Really appreciate this resource you’ve provided here. I had surgery for a torn meniscus 15months ago, they “repaired” it and it healed well until about 2months ago. I do yoga daily and have not had any problems till I started feeling this strange tightness in the back of my knee. I have no issues with range of motion (either external rotation or flexion) but I do feel it in full extension (particularly in forward folds — standing, seated, etc). At first I thought it was the knee but I have no structural issues or issues with RoM. Then… Read more »


Hey Bill — so I got the MRI and have a baker’s cyst. I had a torn meniscus repaired 2.5yrs ago and surgery other than this has been very successful.

But the baker’s cyst is more limiting than I would prefer. What do you recommend as a natural means to eliminate it?


I started with a stiff knee for a week. Followed by a pop in my knee Went to orthopedic dr. prescribed therapy after 4 visits of therapy the leg swelled. Had a doplar check for blood clot. Negative went back to the dr. had a MRI now waiting another 5 days to see the dr. leg is painful to touch. Is there any danger in waiting so long for treatment. Dr mentioned microscopic surgery

Tiik Pollet

Can diet cause a bakers cyst, or inflame a small bakers cyst to become larger? I’ve self diagnoses that I have one behind left knee. In the past 2 years it has appeared and comes and goes. I’ve pigged out on Route 57 potato chips and vegan carob chips for the past 8 weeks. I weigh 135 usually. I may be around 145 or 150 right now. Either way, I have a great diet…healthy…no dairy, alcohol, cane sugar desserts, little bread. I eat beans, nuts, veggies, fruit, and supplements. Drink lots of water usually, though have days I miss glasses… Read more »

Tiik Pollet

I forgot to say…I eat only poultry and fish….no other meat. I consume no caffeine or nicotine, I stay away from deadly nightshade’s as much as possible. I drink only herbal teas, bottled water, certain healthy food store fruit, veggie, protein, probiotic drinks.
My height is 5’5”.


Does Dr use anything to numb the knee before draing cyst. I’ve got knot on back of my knee & it hurts very vad.please help. Thank You


Hi, I had a baker cyst rupture 45 days ago. I had no clue I had a baker cyst as I did not have pain in the knee before. I am 49y old and am I have been a regular runner for 20 years. The rupture was caused by anticoagulants I had to take because I had deep vain thrombosis in the other leg. During these 45 days I have been taking antiinflamatory twice/day, doing icing 3 times/day and going to phisio 3 times/week. Well, after 45 days I still have inflammation, the pain remains quite high (can not sleep… Read more »


I went to my doctor and he said I have a bakers cyst and there is definitely fluid in my knee. He wants me to try some physical therapy. I’m not sure if I need more than physical therapy. My knee has been hurting since July from an injury playing baseball. I’m not sure if I torn something or not. I just want to know what can I do besides physical therapy ?


What kind of doctor will I need to see in order to get both spectrums of the problem for a bakers cyst resolved- an orthopedic doc will treat to remove or drain but the structural pattern will still not be resolved- what kind of doc will I need to look for?


Here’s my left knee history: 1981 – severed my ACL – no surgery 1991 – replaced my severed ACL with a piece of the tendon that goes from the knee cap to shin. surgeons said 1/2 meniscus was gone 1993… – random stuck knee 2008 – baker’s cyst the size of 1/2 a golf ball at the back of the knee 2014 – baker’s cyst the size of 1/2 a hand ball. drained (gelatinous). Cyst back in 24 hours 2014 – drained again – back in 24 hours 2014 – 3 shots for arthritis – no effect 2015 – cyst… Read more »


Hi, I twisted my left knee in a yoga posture where my leg goes behind my head. I felt no pain but hours later the pain arrived along with swelling and noticed a baker’s cyst behind the knee. I’ve been applying soda crystal backs to drain the fluid which works but the fluid keeps coming back. I have been taking Dr’s Best Glucosamine, MSM, chrondroiton, hyaluronic acid and I have absolutely no pain. My question is, how I get rid of the cyst and inflammation? It has been 2 monhts now. I’m doing gentle yoga to stretches and strengthening around… Read more »


Thanks Bill.
How do I find out what is going in? How to free up the Pain-Tension Loop?
Im new to this website.

Aaron Lacombe


I have a simple question regarding the bakers cyst. I believe my problem is the alignment issue and I was wondering what exercises or methods I can do to fix it.

Thank you ,

Chris Janowski

I’ve had swelling near my ankle for 18 months due to a lymph drainage issue caused by Achilles’ tendon surgery, and now I have developed everyday pain behind my knee. Might these two things be related, somehow?


I had a bakers cyst in the back of my knee, and a Ortho Dr gave me a injection but said most likely the cyst would reoccur. Two weeks later a cyst in the front lower left side of my knee and it aches most of the time. Walking feels like my knee is out of place, what should I do now?

Kathleen Lieberman


Thank you for the information you provided. I do have a question. In regard to the knee would an inverse table help the leg to correct the misalignment issue? Or maybe if you did not go completely upside down but gradually lowered the head little by little?


Sounds like your standard yeast or batairecl infection. Not a big deal, and something he’s seen before. You’ll be given a pill to deal with them, take the pills, and wear cotton underwear, and all will be well. If it’s batairecl he may get to take a pill too, so he doesn’t give it back to you next time you have sex. The female vagina can be temperamental. It often doesn’t like various soaps, lotions, washes, and creams, especially things supposed to combat odor. It often dislikes spermicides. For some women, wearing pants that are tight and non-breathing through the… Read more »



I have a cyst on my left knee joint. It is a little bit different because it starts from the joint and reaches to the outside of the left point of femur; 2,5cm. Because of its location, it disturbs my muscles and tendons. 1 doctor saide that I need a surgery however other 3 doctors said that it’s not necessary. The cyst already fulled with water, it can be smaller in time. I want to learn that what can I do as a treatment except ice compress?


The MRI results are as below:

Grade I degeneration in corpus and Grade II degeneration in the posterior horn in the medial meniscus.

Thinning in the anterior cruciate ligament caliber and partial contour irregularities.

A multilobular, lobular contour, paraarticular cyst sized 2,8 x 1,6 surrounding the lateral femoral condyle posterolateral cortex with internal septations.

Fluid in the joint space, suprapatellar and deep infrapatellar bursa.

Thinning in the patellar facet cartilages and minimal grade I chondromalacia.


Hi, I just wanted to share with you a simple but amazing solution to your pain – I have suffered with bakers cyst & this has helped relieve the pain by changing the impact on my knee – Strutz cushioned arch support . That helped me, maybe that will help you.

sharon sampaga

I mean after taking her shoes off she took a bath

sharon sampaga

My daughter has a cyst at the back of her left knee… When she’s standing u could see it… After some hot compress it was gone… But after a month its back and bigger than before… Shes only 7 yrs. Old… Shes not complaining that its painful… It happened after taking shes shoes off from the school she took a bath… What should i do? Thank u very much


I have multilocular baker’s cyst in my left knee. Dr told me i don’t need surgery since it’s not not swollen or too big. But causes a lot of pain. Now I’m looking for any natural treatment. But I don’t live in us. Is there anything that I can do to decrease the pain. thank you.


Hello, I was diagnosed yesterday with Baker’s cyst. I have had pain in my legs from the knee area to thigh area every morning for the past 15 yrs. I will sit in my rocker recliner to stretch it out for about an hour and then continue onto my routine of shower and getting dressed with minimal pain. Since June of this year it has gotten worse and to the point of unbearable. It now takes about 2 or 3 hrs before I can go to work. Thankfully I have a sedentary job or I wouldn’t be able to work.… Read more »

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Heather,

Thank you for contacting the Knee Pain Guru! We appreciate your email and we welcome your questions!

After reading your question, I feel that this will benefit many other subscribers in Bill’s Inner Circle by sending this over to him. I have submitted your question to Bill and he will address your concerns on the next live call.

For more information and call schedules, please click on the link below.

Feel free to reach out to us for further assistance.


Customer Support

Rose D

I have a large hard lump behind my knee shaped like a Lima bean..no pain no redness. It appeared the next day after getting a massage.

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out to us!

I can understand the cause for concern. Please reach out to your physician for a diagnosis of what you are experiencing and then reach out to us customerservice@thekneepainguru.com and we will be happy to help you out!


Customer Support


Same thing happened to me. Got this after massage

Dee Miller

Me too! Day after the massage.


Hi, I have a baker’s cyst along with torn meniscus. I’ve been getting physical therapy for the meniscus (8 weeks so far) and I have improved, altho I am a long way from how I used to be. It seems that some of the pt exercises aggravate the cyst, so I am holding off of these particular ones for a while, to see. Do you have any thoughts about p.t. and Baker’s cyst? Thank you.

Knee Pain Support Team

Hello Ellen,

Thank you for reaching out to us! I suggest booking a free 30 min consultation/knee evaluation with Bill to discuss what your experiencing. Bill will be able to provide great advice and recommendations/solutions for whats going on. If your interested, please click on the link below to complete the consultation form and schedule a date and time that is best for you. Feel free to reach out to me for further assistance.


Kind regards,

Mimi | Customer Service

cidnea farrell

…I just had the report from the MR doctor. I’ve read that i have a baker’s cyst from a torn meniscus, which happened during these last 3 months after the injury i have suffered. I neglected a little bit at the beggining because i didn’t want to take the anti-inflamatory tablets. I just ate lots of celery with the salad and drank ginger tea. I had no proper rest. The inflammation became worse with hard pain. Now i take cataflan tablets 🙁 and put some ice over the knee. I can walk without pain but i can not keep going… Read more »

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Cidnea,

Thank you for reaching out to us and I’m sorry to hear what you are going through. To better assist you please let us know if the bakers cyst has been drained by emailing us at customerservice@thekneepainguru.com and we will be happy to help you further.

Kind regards,

Customer Support

Sherrice Smith


I’m not sure if I have a bakers cysts because its described as a cysts behind the knee. However, I do have fluid on the knee my left is worse than the right but I do have a small pocket above my left kneecap on the front. I have fluid and it seems to recently have moved down my left calf, this problem has come and go over the years, I used castor oil to bring the swelling down, however, after my workouts particularly yoga the issue gets worse.

Knee Pain Support Team

Hey Sherrice!

Thank you for reaching out to us! Have you seen the doctor about what you are experiencing? If not, please see your doctor first and then contact us at customerservice@thekneepainguru.com. If you have seen your doctor, please email us your diagnosis and we will be happy to help you out!

Customer Support

julia logan peterson

Hi Bill,
I have a bakers cyst on my left knee. It been there about 3yrs or more and its still soft. It very irritable.
Pls help, thanks


Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Julia, Thank you for reaching out to us. Say No to Knee Replacement is a great program for Bakers cyst. Say No To Knee Pain Replacement will help you completely eliminate your knee pain. It is the distillation of the past 15 years of study and working with clients of the most effective holistic approach to eliminating chronic knee pain and setting up the conditions so your body can heal your knees. Chronic knee pain is a slippery slope to an eventual knee replacement surgery down the road. It is a self-paced program that you evaluate your pain level… Read more »


Hi, I was wondering if you can assist. Last year (02/2013) I had knee surgery for 2 tears in my miniscus on the right knee. the pain went away pretty fast, although I kept hearing loud pops on my knee. This past christmas holiday I was doing some dancing games on the Wii and the pain came back. I rested the knee and applied heat and the pain went away. Recently (6-7 weeks) I started walking around a high school track to start an exercise routine. No running. The pain has come back extremely stron and I cannot put any… Read more »

Knee Pain Support Team

Thank you for reaching out to us! I suggest booking a free 30 min consultation/knee evaluation with Bill to discuss what your experiencing. Bill will be able to provide great advice and recommendations/solutions for whats going on. If your interested, please click on the link below to complete the consultation form and schedule a date and time that is best for you. Feel free to reach out to me for further assistance.


Kind regards,

Mimi | Customer Service


I had my meniscus repaired. It was also reported that I have some arthritis in the knee. I have had the baker cyst in the same knee drained twice. It gives me relief for a month but then comes back. It becomes painful after a while. I can’t afford to keep getting it drained. Am I to understand that it will keep coming back because of the arthritis? Is there anything I can do about my cyst?

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi there Chris!

Thank you for reaching out to us! I suggest booking a free 30 min consultation/knee evaluation with Bill to discuss what your experiencing. Bill will be able to provide great advice and recommendations/solutions for whats going on. If your interested, please click on the link below to complete the consultation form and schedule a date and time that is best for you. Feel free to reach out to me for further assistance.


Kind regards,

Mimi | Customer Service

Marilyn higgins

Need to book a consulation with Bill.

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Marilyn,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

Please feel free to book a session with Bill here: https://thekneepainguru.com/lp/knee-recovery-program/free-introductory-session/questionnaire/

Please feel free to reach out to us directly for additional assistance at customerservice@thekneepainguru.com.


Customer Support


I have had issues with my right knee for about 6 months now. I’ve had x-rays on both and MRIs on both. Physical therapy and chiropractic have helped minimally. Please help.

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Mona!

Thank you for reaching out to us! I have contacted you directly via email to better assist you with your questions and concerns.

Kind regards,

Mimi |Customer Support


I have a baker’s cyst behind both knees. They’ve come and go over the past year but never bothered me. Over the last month though they’ve reappeared and are hard and stiff. I think I may need them removed. what kind of a doctor does this procedure, and is it something simple? Thanks. I think you said when they get hard, they should be removed??

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Susie,

Thank you for reaching out to us! to better assist you with your questions, I have contacted you directly at the email provided. Again, thank you for reaching out to us and I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Kind regards,

Mimi |Customer Service

Britt Blakey

My wife has Baker’s cysts behind both of her knees. She has gained a lot of weight recently and complains that her knees hurt and it feels like her patella is moving or shifting. Would you recommend draining and then the comfort program?

Richard LaVal

A few months ago my Bakers cyst recurred, resulting in a very swollen and painful knee. I had two sessions with a doctor specialized in physical therapy, and she used some type of electro therapy device that applied slight shocks to the cyst area over about 45 minutes. The swelling went down very rapidly and now there is none. However I know this is not a cure for the cyst. I suppose I can expect it to recur again someday.

Richard LaVal

She also used ultrasound, so I don’t know which of the two treatments was most effective.

Sundaram Hammond

Isn’t there a poultice one can apply regularly to reduce the swelling of the baker’s cyst? I am sure there are some natural remedies, but no one is mentioning them anywhere. So any ideas?

Suz Jeffery

I used osmosis pads … I had to order them from Australia … But we’re immensely effective … Good luck


I tried them too..no help

Christina Davis

I have a baker cyst trying to figure out what is the best way to go

small loans

Thank you for some other magnificent article. The place else may anyone
get that type of info in such a perfect manner
of writing? I have a presentation next week, and I am at the look for such information.


We missed the opportunity to talk to you over the phone last month, as offered. We are a family with joints pains, especially the knees : pain from baker’s cyst, boneon bone, and the usual overall knee pain. Could you please recommend what treatments we need and where to get them. With many thanks,


Nirmal Lodha

My knee gets swelling periodically. How I should get relief from it


What about my knees? I work in health care and mine swell so bad, make a awful grind noise when extended and I have bakers cyst in both for 7 years now. Have not had anything done since 7 years ago which was injections of steriods. It did help for awhile. I bought special shoe soles for my feet, and I work out 3-4 days a week. I want a natural approach since swelling and pain are worst now. I am only 31 years old with history of thyroid disease in which I had removed.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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