Pain After Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee pain after knee replacement surgery is a tricky topic to discuss. The conventional medical model points toward a knee replacement surgery as being the “solution” for anyone with arthritis and bone on bone. They are looking for someone who is “old enough” and who can’t take the pain in their knee(s) anymore.

The reality is, once the procedure is done does not guarantee you won’t have pain after knee replacement surgery.

With that being said, I believe the body has the infinite capacity to heal itself if given the right conditions to do so.

When I talk about the “right conditions” I’m specifically talking about 3 things:

1.) Physical

2.) Diet

3.) Mindset

When these 3 conditions are met, the blocks are removed preventing your body from healing your knees.

Now with that being said, I’m now going to contradict myself!

I don’t believe the body has the capacity to heal itself once you have a knee replacement surgery.

I get nightmare stories every week of knee pain sufferers dealing with excruciating pain after knee replacement surgery.

It makes sense that the leg would still hurt months and even years after a TKR. You’re getting the bones in your leg cut off and replaced with plastic and metal. That can’t feel good! I remember how bad it hurt to break my arm so I would never willingly put myself through a total knee replacement. That is, I knew there was something else I could do that would allow my knees to heal naturally.

There a number of reasons why your knees still hurt after knee replacement surgery. Some are not so evident and others you will never hear coming out of your doctor’s mouth. 

Here are 8 reasons your knees could still hurst after knee replacement surgery that are outside my realm of knowledge and experience.

  1. I don’t know if the pain you’re feeling is because the surgeon didn’t line the knee replacement up correctly
  2. I don’t know if the pain you’re feeling is due to an infection in the bone. As crazy as this sounds, a friend of mine had a patient that had to have their knee replacement removed because he contracted Mersa in his bone while he was in the hospital. There he laid in a hospital bed for 5 months WITHOUT KNEES until the Mersa was killed. (I wish I could make this sh*t up!)
  3. I don’t know if the pain you’re feeling in your knees is “ghost pain” from the knee joint that’s no longer there. See Amputee Phantom Pain
  4. I don’t know if the pain your feeling is because the knee replacement is failing
  5. I don’t know if the pain you’re feeling is attributed to the knee replacement loosening
  6. I don’t know if the pain you’re feeling is because your body is rejecting the knee replacement
  7. I don’t know if the pain you’re feeling is due to brittle bones fracturing from the long screw being drilled down the length of the bone in your leg.
  8. I don’t know if you’re getting or not understanding how to feel your way out of pain with my program

As you can see the level of complication goes up significantly after surgery so the reason your knees are still in pain after knee replacement surgery can be anyone’s guess.

Your best best in my estimation is to deal with your knee pain holistically with a solid approach that starts on the premise that your body can heal your knees.

It’s important to do your research an educate yourself as much as possible. Ultimately you’re going to have to deal with choices you make about your knees. A knee replacement surgery is an irreversible procedure!

There is no easy path in front of you right now especially if your knees are in pain and are always on your mind.  I’d encourage you to choose wisely! 

the knee pain guru
the knee pain guru

Bill is “The Knee Pain Guru” and The Best in the World at Eliminating Knee Pain without Drugs, Shots or Surgery.”

He has over 26 years of martial art and body work experience understanding movement and tensions patterns that lead to physical pain.

Bill’s believes the nervous system is the key to the body’s healing and the bridges the gap between what we currently know and the infinite possibilities of what we don’t know yet how the body can heal itself. Coupled with comfort this combination creates the shortest distance between a life riddled with pain to a physical life fully mobile and self expressed.

“You can’t think your way out of pain. Pain is not rational and doesn’t care what you think. You must feel your way out of pain through comfort. Through the weeks, months and years of injury and compensation patterns built up in your body limiting your movement and making you feel older than your years.”

His unique ability of identifying the blocks that keep people stuck in pain and skillfully removing them allows for lasting change and a new reality for his clients…

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– The cause of the “Pain-Tension Loop” and how you think, move and feel about your knees…

– How to use “Pain-Pattern Interrupts” to break the “Pain-Tension Loop” and get relief immediately…

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I am 70 years old with a torn meniscus, bone on bone and a bone spur in my right knee. Doctor is recommending Uni vs TKR. What have bern your experience with a patient with problem with your protocol? I am not on Facebook.


If you’ve had a knee replacement don’t waste your money on this program.

Peggie Vanderkooi

I have had one knee done I will not have the outhe one done .The Pain is so bad now is ten time more ten before .my life has changed completely. I have become a very Old Lady can not do anything my quality of life has changed. I WOULD TELL PEOPLE DON’T HAVE IT DONE


I completely agree Peggie. I tell people do not ever have it done. I too feel like I’ve aged 10 yrs. I’m angry that this is my retirement!

joanne howard

I am disturbed by the comment that you say the body doesn’t have the capacity to heal itself after a tkr. The only reason I signed up for your book is because you made it sound like this would help any kind of knee pain. I have none of the 8 reasons you listed above. My problem is swelling and pain in my knee after walking for about 15-20 minutes.


Hi bro pls tellme how long the pain was suffering me. I was do my knee open surgery for remove loose bodies. Now it is 4th week. I cant bent my knee


I have had two knee replacements. 2 and 8 years ago respectively. All of the “unknowns” you mention are not my problems. (Although I don’t know of a way to eliminate the ghost pain theory.) Are you saying that your methods would be of no benefit to me? Both surgeries required breaks up of scar tissue and I have always thought the reason for my pain In both knee was to do with that.


Good tips for knee replacement tips.. thanks

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