Meniscus tears are often the very painful result of certain sports injuries. You may have
read about how just last March, Jeremy Lin of the New York Knicks was out for six
weeks after a minor tear to his meniscus. While you have probably heard of this type
of knee pain as a result of basketball, football or even skiing injuries, a torn meniscus
can be the result of a range of activities, even those as simple as getting out of your easy
chair. As you get older, the cartilage that is your meniscus wears down, making it easier
to injure your knee. If you tear your meniscus, the treatment of the injury depends on the
severity of the tear.
The meniscus is a piece of cartilage that acts as a shock absorber for your knee. This
cartilage can tear when the bones surrounding your knee slip and tear the cartilage. Ouch.
If the tear to the cartilage is large and severe, surgery may be necessary. The general rule
of thumb is that if the tear is a quarter inch or less, surgery may not be necessary and your
body could heal the tear itself. Another factor in whether or not you will need surgery is
how much pain you are in.
If surgery is indeed necessary, you will need an arthroscopy to fix the tear. This surgery
is fairly minor and is usually an outpatient procedure, however the pain may or may not
subside after surgery. As with any injury, your body is likely to create a pattern of pain
associated with protecting the injured area. For instance, if your knee hurts, you may alter
your gait to relieve your injured knee of some pressure.
I have heard of some cases where after arthroscopic surgery, this pain pattern will persist
because the body still tries to protect the injured area by tensing and squeezing the
nerves in the knee. The result of this is the same pain sensation even though the knee is
mechanically fixed. If, after surgery, your pain persists, then we have to correct those
patterns in an attempt to relieve you of your knee pain and restore your meniscus to its
former health.

Bill is “The Knee Pain Guru” and “The Best in the World at Eliminating Knee Pain without Drugs, Shots or Surgery.”
He has over 26 years of martial art and body work experience understanding movement and tensions patterns that lead to physical pain.
Bill’s believes the nervous system is the key to the body’s healing and the bridges the gap between what we currently know and the infinite possibilities of what we don’t know yet how the body can heal itself. Coupled with comfort this combination creates the shortest distance between a life riddled with pain to a physical life fully mobile and self expressed.
“You can’t think your way out of pain. Pain is not rational and doesn’t care what you think. You must feel your way out of pain through comfort. Through the weeks, months and years of injury and compensation patterns built up in your body limiting your movement and making you feel older than your years.”
His unique ability of identifying the blocks that keep people stuck in pain and skillfully removing them allows for lasting change and a new reality for his clients…
Bill. Thanks for creating your site and all the awesome info it has! I have a medial tear and surgeon wants to take out the medial side of my meniscus. I have no pain walking or running, but cannot move dynamically. I do BJJ and want to get back into it. I have just had stem cells and wondering your thoughts. It seems to have helped. Though I am not there yet with the dynamic movement needed for BJJ. I want to save my meniscus if at all possible. I am worried if I have the surgery, I will get… Read more »
Think of bone on bone as arthritis gone unaddressed for too long. Arthritis by definition is dehydrated joint. By understanding the underlying neurological patterns in the knee to cause the joint to be stiff, achy and dehydrate. Arthritis can be avoided altogether.
I am suffering meniscus tear ghrade 2
What is the strategy you’ve discussed with your doctor?
Hi Bill, Thanks for your video and information. My name is Ryan. I am 33 yrs old and a former college basketball and track athlete. I currently am a personal trainer. I recently had a meniscus tear in my left knee. It happened 2 weeks ago during a 3 vs 3 basketball tournament. After playing 3 games my legs were getting pretty stiff and tight (I suffer from tight adductors already so am afraid that is what caused my tear). During the 4th game i made a cut and felt a pop in the left knee and immediately could not… Read more »
Hello doc i am currently 23 years old and I had a partial menisectomy surgery done before 2 years as i had a bucket handle tear of my medial meniscus while playing badminton.Sometimes my knee feels absolutely normal but usually there is a lot of stiffness in my knee.How can i get rid of this stiffness as it is frustrating me.Please help me.
Here’s a video I recorded on Knee Pain Stiffness:
Let me know if you have further questions.
I am an active 64 female. I hike and bike and work out pretty regularly including squat so have pretty good muscles around my knee. I eat a good anti inflammatory diet. I’ve start having issues with my Right knee. It suddenly gives way with sharp pain .and then I test it for 1/2 hour an it is fine again. Dr examined knees took x-xray also I had an MRI. Results of MRI are as follows. Complex tear involving the anterior horn/body junction of lateral meniscus. Complex tear involving the anterior horn, body and the posterior horn of the medial… Read more »
I addressed your comment in the following video on meniscus tears:
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Hi Bill. Just want to let you know that I followed the steps in your video. I also had about 20 sessions of physical therapy which focused on strengthening my gluteus, quads and ham strings. 18mo later I am pain free. No surgery. Thanks for this web site had I not found it I might no longer have a meniscus and now be facing all the issues that go along with that.
That’s awesome Sue!
One suggest for arthroscope to trim meniscus other for medicine and physiotherapy.., what is your answer..
I had my acl recondtruction 20 years back. Now exp knee pain on same left leg. Doc advised MRI. Findings – acl is intact. Artifacts noted in lower end of femur and upper end of tibia. Complex tear of body and posterior horn of lateral meniscus. Grade 2 signal is seen in body and posterior horn of medial meniscus. Marginal osteophyte. I am 44 yrs old it some times pain, not too much. But now im geeting same feeling in right knee also. I wont to be active, but restricted for above injury. Can walk much but cant run, distability… Read more »
I addressed your post in the following video:
Let me know if you have any further questions.
One said for trimming of meniscus through arthroscopy second through medicine and physiotherapy.., what is ur opinion..
My left knee feels to lock up on me. When im on my back and have someone in butterfly guard (juijitsu) That shins are tucked under/inside my opponents inner thigh… In this position. If opponent puts force/weigh on my knee my left knee feels to pop out of place.. Its slightly bent.. N i must kick fast n hard to straighten it..making a loud pop noise… Ill be sore fore the next 2 3 days…then its fine again… My right knee i had it scoped 10 yrs ago. Tor meniscus. They stitched it. I was in bed for 5… Read more »
I had my acl recondtruction 20 years back. Now exp knee pain on same left leg. Doc advised MRI. Findings – acl is intact. Artifacts noted in lower end of femur and upper end of tibia. Complex tear of body and posterior horn of lateral meniscus. Grade 2 signal is seen in body and posterior horn of medial meniscus. Marginal osteophyte. Kindly suggest…, Thanks
What did your doctor say?
Hey knew guru. I had an MRI done about 10 years ago to show that I must have turn my meniscus in both knees sitting my college career of soccer. My left does not bother me really as much on my right. The Dr told me to have surgery but I never did. I’m sure there’s lots of scar tissue in there now. My range of motion is not as good on my right either. I: I cannot bring my heel to my butt while stressing etc. I do powerlift now as well. I wondered if you would recommend anything
Hi Janelle,
This video should answer your question…
Hi my name is Ram. I tore my ACL 4 to 5 years when I had a jumping accident and it went undetected. Since then I have always had my knee twist, which may have progressively torn my medial meniscus in my right knee. 3 weeks ago, I may have acutely torn the same meniscus, and I had a MRI done. It’s confirmed that I have torn ACL and that the meniscus now needs to be completely removed. What are my options? I am 46 yrs old, about 5 feet 7 inches and around 155 lbs weight, so I’m in… Read more »
Options are depending on whether you want: To have surgery or not? How bad the pain is? How active you plan to be for the rest of your life? How disciplined are you to do what it takes so your knee can heal itself? Answer those questions first and then we’d know how to proceed… And if arthritis is in your future or not? That also depends on the answers to the questions above… You see dealing with knee pain in some cases (not yours) is pretty cut and dry. Get the pressure off of the nerves causing the pain… Read more »
I am having surgery to address the meniscus and not the ACL at this time. I am losing my insurance shortly (in between jobs) and so at least taking care of the meniscus, there’s multiple tears, including a bucket handle tear and a loose flap in the knee that may be locking the joint. I cannot straighten my leg at all at this time without significant pain. I plan on walking and jogging but not necessarily playing any sports. I plan on having PT to strengthen my knee so that it does not keep twisting moving forward. I do want… Read more »
When are you having surgery?
We can definitely reduce if not eliminate the possibility of the pain associated with arthritis as well as speed up recovery after your surgery.
The best most cost effective way I’d be able to help you would be in my “Knee Club” program.
Here’s a link for more info. Our next call is on Thursday Sept 28…
I am having the meniscus surgery on Wednesday.
i have 3rd degree meniscus tear and doctor has advised arthoscopy. i have beenreading a lot of negative reviews about this surgery and personally so not want to be operated. is it possible for me to be trated by physiotherapy and yoga
I believe there is a bigger picture to be looked at in the body with a meniscus tear. The underlying fundamental pattern your body is dealing with must be addressed coinciding with nutrition and supplementation to setup the conditions so your body can heal your knee.
Dear Knee Guru
I had an arthroscopy 18 months ago for a torn miniscus and have been told that my cartilage is shredding itself and I may have to eventually have a knee replacement which freaks me out somewhat. My knee is stiff and I take anti-inflammatories several times a week – I swim and cycle to try and build up the thigh muscles – can you offer me any advice please.
Lisa – Let’s get on a call and chat more about your situation. I believe I can help you but it’s going to take some work on your part. Here’s a link to my online application…
Hi knee guru
I have left knee pain, especially down part of knee joint and faces difficulties to walk smoothly after sitting or lying. It started around 4 months back and my MRI study of left knee is as follows:
Impression: MRI study of the left knee reveals Grad- 3 oblique tear of the posterior horn of medical meniscus. Minimal joint effusion with osteoarthritic changes.
Based upon above please advice me method of cure it especially excercise method
Best Regards,
Hello Mohamed,
Thank you for reaching out to us! I suggest booking a free 30 min consultation/knee evaluation with Bill to discuss what your experiencing. Bill will be able to provide great advice and recommendations/solutions for whats going on. If your interested, please click on the link below to complete the consultation form and schedule a date and time that is best for you. Feel free to reach out to me for further assistance.
Kind regards,
Mimi | Customer Service
the doctor has said my meniscus is “shredded” also. I tore it about 15 years ago and did not have surgery, Now with age and alot of ballet it seems as though surgery is the only route. Pain, stiffness, and arthritis settling in due to the injury. They want to clean out the joint and then later on inject some gel. Does this seem like the proper direction?
Hi Bill!
I don’t know a whole lot about the meniscus tearing, but I’m trying to help my boyfriend find some information. He tore his meniscus a few years ago and did arthroscopic surgery. However, it still was never as stable as it used to be and he ended up twisting it two more times after the recovery period while trying to return to his normal lifestyle. What more can he do? Is there any solution? Or was that single surgery as far as he can go trying to fix it?
Thank you so much for your time!
Katie, Thanks for your questions however there are so many factors to consider after a meniscus surgery. The best thing your boyfriend can do at this point would be to setup a time to talk with me about what is going on with his knee. We can them figure out a strategy how to best help him out. Here’s a link to fill out a short application to get that setup: Regards, Bill
Hi knee guru.
I just had an MRI done on my knee and the Dr said my meniscus looks like shredded crab meat. My cortisone shot is wearing off and I am hobbling badly when walking due to the pain. Just wondering if a orthoscopic surgery to remove the shredded portion of my meniscus is the right choice for me? I am 39 yrs old, 6ft tall and 230 lbs.
Thanks for your advise.
Adam – That sounds like the route I would take. Make sure you have a good orthopedic surgeon that operates on a local college or pro sports team. Then you know you’ll get someone that does a good job. If you want to recover fast then we should probably have a conversation and figure out a strategy because the pattern that is going on in your body that created the “shredded crab meat” of a meniscus doesn’t go away after they trim the meniscus. You’ll be in the same situation or worse looking at a knee replacement surgery by the… Read more »
Here’s a link for you:
Hello Bill,
My mother is having a grade 3 meniscal tear in the knee and the doctor has xadvised a surgery. So, I just wanted to confirm if the surgery would genuinely be neccessary.???
Thank you.