Is that my LUNG ON THE GROUND over there?

Last week my daughter came home with the flu…

I held off until Friday being “healthy”

Then the fever, chills and night sweats started.

Sunday “the crud” moved into my lungs.

Most of this week has been spent in bed trying to rest between pushing my eyeballs back in my head from coughing so much.

Not to worry!

I started working with Dr. Charlie Beck over the weekend to get myself back to health.

Dr. Beck just finished up the NEW and UPDATED supplement list for all your knee issues in my Knee Program:

See if you issue is covered below:

Pain, Inflammation, Torn Meniscus, Bone on Bone, Post Surgery Recovery, Baker’s Cyst, Bone Spurs
Chondromalycia, Scar Tissue, Torn Ligament, Knee Instability and Knee Replacement…

It is an absolute kick @ss list of awesomeness packed in my Get Moving Again Program to help you get out of pain and back on your feet.

Look for that list right after you sign up.

Click below to subscribe:

===> Get Moving Again <===

In the meantime, I’m going to go back and cough up another lung.


(The Knee Pain Guru)

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