How To Deal With A Knee Sprain

The following is a question I received from Jeffrey…

Good day Bill!

Just wanna ask on how can i recover immediately from my knee sprain?

Its been 3 weeks since i sprained my knee but i can still feel some pains on it, please advice me on how long will i take a rest before i can play basketball again? I’ve got my x-ray and my bones are fine so please help me to know what to do.

Thanks a lot and god bless…



Thanks for your question.

Dealing with a knee sprain can be challenging especially when you want to get back to playing basketball right away! It is important to take it slowly coming back because you don’t want to re-injure your knee and make it worse. With that being said, I can suggest a program I developed that gets you out of pain and back in the game.

The new program called, Say No To Knee Replacement, is especially useful for sports injuries and knee sprains because it is a progressive system that is based on your level of pain on a daily basis.

I have created a series of 70 videos that start where you are with a pain level of 6 to 10. And then move you into more strength building when your pain level is reduced. It is a unique approach that will get you out of pain quickly.

You can look it over here >>> Say No To Knee Replacement.

What I would add in addition to the R.I.C.E. therapy is a homeopathic called Traumeel. It comes in both a sub lingual tablet and a gel/cream. I have used both simultaneously with my injuries with a tremendous amount of success. That is something I believe will speed up your recovery time.

Now this next piece I want to share with you is VERY VERY important, so pay extra close attention. Even though you got the x-ray back and there was nothing wrong with the bones in your knee there still may be issues with “soft tissue,” meaning tendons, ligaments, or cartilage that an x-ray is not necessarily going to pick up on.

So as you are walking you will want to watch for your knee “locking” or “giving out.” This is a sure sign that you are having problems with the attachments in the joint. It is definitely best to go see an orthopaedic doctor to check the knee out further to be safe.

If your knee continues to have issues with pain then let’s for a moment look at what pain is from a fundamental level.

Pain just means the nerves in your knee are being irritated somehow sending a signal to your brain that you have pain. I know this seems pretty basic however very important none the less. Many times when you suffer a knee sprain. Your knee is holding onto a tension pattern that is protecting it from getting injured further. This works for the injury, but not for the recovery.

So, it is important to take the pressure off of these nerves in your knee by moving your leg to a position of comfort. Of course, comfort is relative and going to be very different depending on the person and will continue to change depending on many factors such as diet, stress level, exercise, sleep, etc. The key is to find the position of comfort for your knee at this exact moment in time.

I go over the specifics of releasing tension and exactly what to eat and drink to best support recovery in my new program, Say No To Knee Replacement.

You can look it over here >>> Say No To Knee Replacement

Relieve the tension and take your knee to a position of comfort and the body knows what to do from there. You also must create the conditions to make your knee sprain heal as well. Think of the “shortest distance between two points is a straight line.”

Eating a proper diet, drinking the proper amount of water, incorporating the proper stretching, the right exercise, proper breathing, and sleep are all crucial to you getting over your knee sprain in the shortest time possible.

The more you setup the correct conditions the faster you will be able to get back on the basketball court…

Keep me posted as to how it goes!


P.S. If you haven’t already done so take my Knee Pain Assessment and watch the video for your situation and learn how to reduce your knee pain.

Get Started Today

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Hello my name is Abby and I sprained my knee about a week ago and every time i walk on it, it shoots pain through my knee what can i do to help that.

Noah w.

I recently spent the weekend in chicago and did allot of walking… The next day the muscle along my shins were really sore and then what felt like joint pain around my knee? It would feel fine if i kept my leg totally straight and walked which isnt how you should walk im sure but i noticed the pain wasnt really there when leg was straight but when walking normal bad sharp pain…. Once i gave it a rest n went easy on it for the next week the pain went down allot and i could funcion pretty normal… Well… Read more »


my knee hurts when i kick the soccer ball standing still but when i kick the ball while moving with it, it dont hurt my knee whys that? My doctor said it was just a knee sprain but it’s been 1 month now since the injury. (The injury is on the right side of my left knee and I’m a left footed player.)


Hi i was playing soccer but when i try to kick the ball as hard as i could i miss twice now my knee hurts any ideas in how to make it better

Hunter taylor

About 5 days ago I was skateboarding over a large gap. I kicked out and landed on my feet but when I did my left knee bent awkwardly to the outside of my body. I herd it pop to the side and pop back. I felt immediate pain and don’t move it much. Two days ago I went to the doctor and he said it was a sprain and I can walk on it now but I cant bend past a 45 degree angle with out it hurting. I was wondering if this could a hidden problem or if it… Read more »

Tina dartez

Hi my name is Tina dartez,i was on my job takin care of a disabled lady that was in a wheelchair i was still on clock,i went into her room to talk to her and i had my phone in my hand i went to turn around and my right knee popped out then popped back in then i fell to the bed,i noticed a lot of pain and swellin i went to the hospital they took ex-rays and nothing’s wrong with my bones the hospital told me to go see a orthopedic surgeon so i did they scheduled me… Read more »



My knee has been killing me lately I hurt it in basketball about a year ago and I saw a doctor but he said there is nothing wrong with it. Well I think he is wrong because there is pain but the only time it swelled was when the accident happened and it was a bigger girl and she ran into me from the side and and her knee went into mine. I have tried all kind of knee braces and my mom wont take me to a knee doctor again so I need your help.

jojo paul

2 Days ago I got up from the bed with little bit pain around the left kneecap. After doing the normal walking stuff I found swelling around knee cap and difficulty in bending my knee aft keeping in same position for some time. I strongly believe that I might slept in bed by keeping knee bend and leg in a wrong angle. I’m 27yrs old.I’m presently sailing on a ship.

Kindly advice me what to be done via email as well.

Environ scruter aussi l’conjectural

Ci pas gagne accouchas simple chiquenaude

Marci Neill

Hi, two days ago, i went to bend down and noticed a bit of pain in what seems to be behind my knee cap but more to the side. By the end of the day, I was in a fair amount of pain and had a hard time sleeping. Today my knee seems stiff and I can’t fully straighten it without extreme pain but I also can’t bend it fully without extreme pain.. somewhere in the middle seems ok. What is wrong with it? Please help…


Hello i was playing soccer about a week ago and i made a quick turn but when i did it my knee like gave up and i heard a pop. It has been exactly a week and 1 day now and i cannot walk like normal but i can put pressure on it. The thing is that it’s still swollen and i cannot bend it all the way.i feel the pain on the inside of my right knee.(mcl maybe?) Please help me i really want to get back to playing as soon as possible.


It was about 4weeks ago I had impact my knee I soften it and the other player won me in strength and my knee twisted nothing pop no type of swelling. I went to doctor they had recommended rest ice and elevate my knee. I feel so much better until I sidekick a ball it hurted so badly like if it wants to crack or something.
Any recommendations? Do I need to strength it ??

Lori Arias

A year ago I went to pick up my kids from a after school program at 5:00 and it was dark by that time well I was in the school while I was walking I slipped and I spraind my knee . Well now to this day my knee hurts bad but I can still walk also when I walk my knee makes a cracking sound . So yeah thats all do you recommend anything to make my knee feel better .


I was in my PE class today, and she made the class do line dancing. Well, i was doing one of my moves and my knee twisted. My parents and friends dont believe me so I cant go to the doc and idk what exactly did to it, but it just sends random sharp pains from my knee spreading to my ankle and up my thigh. I want it to heal fast bc no one believes me. All i have is a ace brace (little wrap-around bandage). Can u please tell me what it is and how long it will… Read more »


Oh and i forgot to mention it also hurts when i make my leg straight like lock my knee, but it feels fine when i bend it.

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Hayley,

Thank you for your message.

I can definitely understand your concerns and I suggest having a doctor look at is as we are unable to diagnosis the issue that you are experiencing. We sincerely apologize. Feel free to reach out to us for further assistance.


Customer Support


Thank you i appreciate you trying


I had a direct knee fall on concert tile floor alttle over a month ago.. I just went to dr and xray showed a fracture and the mri didn’t show anything tore.. It really stings and is getting stiff.. The dr didn’t do anything for me but tell me to rest it.. What is the next step? I go back to the dr in a week but with the mri not showing anything I am afraid he won’t be able to do anything to help me… Please tell me I’m not crazy but my body is telling me there is… Read more »

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi there,

Thank you for your message.

I have submitted your question for Bill’s next live call and you can find the information here:

Feel free to reach out to us for further assistance.


Customer Support

Lacey J

Hello! I was walking out of school 2 days ago and I stepped in a crack in the sidewalk and twisted my knee. I thought I was fine. Then yesterday I got a pain on the side of my knee that kept growing worse. Last night I could barely get up and down the stairs. Today I can’t put weight on it while bending it (which makes walking really hard and painful). I can’t bend it entirely. I’ve followed the RICE method but it hasn’t helped my walking. Also, if I go to the doctor they’re going to take x-rays,… Read more »

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Lacey J,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

Please see a doctor and let us know what he diagnosed you with. If you under the age of 18, please let your guardians know that you have contacted us for advice and have them reach out to us at for further assistance.


Customer Support

Ken Wee

Hi Sir, I’m 66 years old, five months ago I injured my right knee whilst playing badminton. During the game there was a cracking or popping sound at the back of my knee. In consequent my knee was swollen, stiffed and I limped. I went to see an orthopedics surgeon and he ordered an Xray be done on my knee. The latter revealed I have osteroarthritis . As the X-Ray was unable to detect any torn ligaments or meniscus he sent me to do MRI, and he result came back as follows: – Reduced joint space with prominent marginal osteophytes… Read more »

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Ken,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

I’m sorry to hear what you are experiencing and I definitely want to help you. I think at this point, the best thing for you would be to set up an appointment with Bill to discuss your knees. Please fill out the form below as much as possible for Bill.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us at anytime [].


Customer Support

Ken Wee

Hi Mimi,

Thank you for the reply. I appreciate you wanting to help me. Just to let you know I am from Malaysia and therefore will not be able to meet with Bill in person to discuss about my knee. I would be grateful you let me know if my knee can be fixed and connect me to one cyropractor in my country.


Ken Wee

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Ken,

Thank you for responding.

Bill offers phone/Skype calls when you sign up for his free knee evaluation here::

Although I would love to find you a Chiropractor in your country, unfortunately I do not have anyone that I can recommend you to. I suggest scheduling a date/time to speak with Bill or you can contact me directly at with your concerns and I will be happy to assist you further. I look forward to your reply!


Customer Support


Hi.. I have twisted my knee a couple of times over the years.. I would feel the knee cap come off and go back into place. It would be very hard to walk after for weeks. It happened recently again and I am unable to bend or walk properly without the msucles tightening and feeling like it would pop out again. I did an mri and the result was that there was a near complete tear of medial patello-femoral retinaculum at femoral attachment. The doc recommended surgery aftet three months of physio. Any suggestions to make the tension in muscle… Read more »

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Nora,

I’m sorry about what you are experiencing and I want to help!

I have submitted your question to Bill and will follow up with you via email as soon as I hear back from him. Feel free to reach out to us for further assistance at


Customer Support


Hello yesterday while playing soccer I got pushed while I was trying to get the ball. Forced me to take a step that seemed like my knee popped in and out. It was the worst pain… I can walk on it now. Hurts when I bend it. I heard no pop or crack just felt like my leg was going to break. How long will this take to get better?

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi there,

Please see a doctor about your knee for a diagnosis and then reach out to us at and we will be happy to help you further.

Mimi|Customer Service


I fell on my knee in a football game and it hurt as soon as it happend then went away and when I got home I couldent and still can’t 1day later bend my knee to far orit will give me sharp pains.if I straight in it out it won’t hurt

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi there,

Please see your doctor for a diagnosis so we know what’s going on and then email us the information at


Customer Support


Hello, I have injured my knee by performing a back pedaling motion, playing basketball. It has been 3 months since the injury. I normally feel the pain in the patella and the only time it gives me difficulty when I’m performing a one legged squat. As a Therapist Trainee, myself how would you recommend I treat this injury.

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi there,

Please contact us at with a diagnosis from your doctor and we will be happy to assist you with your concerns.

Customer Support


Hi, I am seriously confused! I injured my knee ligaments in march 2014 playing football, usual stuff: tackle,foot dug in knee bent inwards. Initially it stopped me walking and I applied the PRICE protocol then I got back to walking and even running by May, I had physio for 6 weeks which didn’t do a great deal and although improving still painfull in the angle it got injured in, it was sore to straighten aswell at times but this eventually went. By July I still had an aching pain around the area of medial lig (right knee) but it was… Read more »

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out to us and trusting Bill to answer your questions. I’m sorry to hear what you are experiencing and I definitely want to get you going in the right direction. Kindly click on the link below and schedule a date/time to speak with Bill to discuss what you are experiencing.


Customer Support


I was diagnosed last week with Patella-Femoral knee pain after being in pain for a year. I have to get physiotherapy for this. Yesterday i went over on my right ankle and think I twisted my knee a bit as it’s been very painful ever since. Today it really hurts to put weigh on it. Should I see my doctor again or will pain ease on it’s own? I also have Fibromyalgia so I am concerned that this will cause a flare up.

Knee Pain Support Team


Thank you for reaching out to us! I suggest booking a free 30 min consultation/knee evaluation with Bill to discuss what your experiencing. Bill will be able to provide great advice and recommendations/solutions for whats going on. If your interested, please click on the link below to complete the consultation form and schedule a date and time that is best for you. Feel free to reach out to me for further assistance.

Customer Support


4 weeks ago I twisted my knee playing basketball. I was able to walk off but it swelled and got stiff when I got home after rest and icing I feel a lot better but I still have a dull pain and if I plant my leg quickly it still gives out with my full weight. I walk and use the stairs fine. I also have 95% range of motion but there is still a little more fluid in there. Could this still be a sprain or could i have torn a ligament?

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Tom,

Thank you for your comment. We appreciate you reaching out to Bill and I can definitely understand what you are going through. We recommend that you speak with your Doctor first to get a diagnosis and then contact us at so we can get you in touch with Bill or provide you with the best program to get you started on your Pain-Free Knee Journey.

Kind regards,

Mimi|Customer Support


I visited the doctors and i was told i had sprained my knee , it was from getting tackled while playing soccer . They told me i had to stop playing for at least 2 weeks and its already been 7 weeks . I been icing it , stretching and resting it like i was told to do so but i still feel some unordinary pain at times and im not sure if i should start playing again .

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out to us! I have forwarded your question over to Bill for his Live Call! Check it out below!


Mimi|Customer Support


Hi there, About a week ago I got taken down while playing soccer and when I landed I hyper-flexed my knee. Soon after I felt some pain in the back of my knee, but now I feel like I can’t exactly pin point where the pain is (if its in the back, on the inside…). I have no pain when I walk or straighten my knee, I mostly feel the pain when I bend my knee (it feels like stiffness). If you have any idea what I did and what I should do to recover, that would be a huge… Read more »

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi there!

Thank you for reaching out to us and I definitely want to help address your issue! Please see a doctor for a diagnosis and then contact us at and we will get you in touch with Bill!

Kind regards,

Customer Support


I got hit at a soccer game and my knee is in pain whenever I walk on it help I have tryouts in 16 days

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Preston, Thank you for reaching out to us and I’m sorry to hear how much pain you are experiencing and I definitely want to help you out! Have you seen a doctor since you got hit at the soccer game? If not, we recommend seeing a doctor to get a diagnosis and once you receive the results, please email us and I’ll be happy to help you out. If you already seen the doctor and have all of the necessary information, please email us immediately and we will help you get in touch with Bill! Kind regards, Mimi… Read more »


I think hurt my knee while I was playing basketball at a camp but I’m not sure it just started hurting. My knee is really stiff and it hurts. I went to the doctor and my doctor said that it may just be stiff because I haven’t exercised a lot this summer so she said that when my dance starts up again I should see if I hurts anymore but a couple hours later, my knee hurt extremely bad from walking on it all day but I didn’t know if I should go back to the doctor or wait like… Read more »

Knee Pain Support Team

Hello Annie, Thank you for reaching out to us. I’m sorry to hear that your still experiencing pain. Have you tried The Comfort Zone Stretches yet? These are really good exercises to break up scar tissue and will help you create comfort in the knee joint (only the knee) by systematically working with the tiny movements in the knee that squeeze on the nerves the width of an eyelash letting you know you have knee pain. It’s a great place to start to get a feel for the program. Feel free to reach out to us for further assistance… Read more »


I was playing football and I stepped the wrong way, my knee popped but I got up right away with help. It felt really weak and fragile, wasn’t able to play for the rest of the game. I got home and my knee was swallowed and is very stiff. Any pressure on my left knee brings pain. What’s wrong? Any advise on how long the stiffness and the swallow will go away?

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi there Chria,

Thank you for reaching out to us. I can completely understand your frustration and concern. I suggest going to the doctor first to receive a diagnosis and then contact us at with your diagnosis and we will help you find the right program to help your knee recovery.

Kind regards,

Customer Support


My left knee kind of popped out then back in landing on a trampoline. Doctor said no break but to see an orthopedic if I cannot walk by today. It’s today and I can’t walk on it without my knee brace. No pain unless I try bending my knee…. I have no insurance so I can’t do MRI, will this heal naturally?

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi Danny,

Thank you for reaching out to us. I have contacted you via email to discuss your situation further.

Kind regards,

Customer Support


Today I sprained my knee during jiditsu, but I sprained my knee several times in the past. Also this time it didn’t hurt as badly as the time I sprained it in the past. It’s just that I’m nervous that I have a weak knee and I’m not quite sure what I should do. Also when I sometimes swim I feel a little bit of tension in my knee. I would appreciate any advice, thanks:)

Knee Pain Support Team

Hello Katrin,

Thank you for reaching out to us! I suggest booking a free 30 min consultation/knee evaluation with Bill to discuss what your experiencing. Bill will be able to provide great advice and recommendations/solutions for whats going on. If your interested, please click on the link below to complete the consultation form and schedule a date and time that is best for you. Feel free to reach out to me for further assistance.

Kind regards,

Mimi | Customer Service


Hi!! I was running suddenly stopped and fell on my Knee. Was hurting badly but now its been 3 weeks. Pain has reduced gradually but my knee is not strong enough to run again. still it pains when i tried to run. Can any one please help me.


Knee Pain Support Team

Hi there Vish!

Thank you for reaching out to us. I can definitely understand how your eager for answers. Have you seen a doctor to get your knee checked out? If you haven’t please have a doctor look at it and we’d be happy to help you out. If you have seen a doctor please feel free to contact us immediately at with your diagnosis and we’d be happy to get you set up with a free consultation to speak with Bill about what your experiencing.

Kind regards,

Customer Support


i’m a football player age 20 …last yr i got head injury while playing n doctor adviced never to play football again bt em going mad at it as it was my oly company i tried playing bt my parents n friends r restricting me from playing i dont wana hurt them n play stubornly so how em i supposed to comfort myself …please help me sir

Knee Pain Support Team

Hi there Sono,

Thank you for reaching out to us. I have contacted you directly via email to better assist you with your questions.

Kind regards,

Customer Support

century shah

Hi! I was practicing dance and while making a turn my knee twisted and i fell on the floor. I had severe pain and knee started swelling within 30 minutes. I went to see a physician in Urgent Care and he asked me do do some moves and checked everything as asked me to rest. If my pain doesn’t go away I was supposed to do MRI. I don’t have a pain but my swell is still there and is reducing very slow. It’s been 20 days that I sprained my knee. I did Ice compress in the beginning and… Read more »

Knee Pain Support Team

Hello Century Shah!

Thank you for reaching out to us! I suggest booking a free 30 min consultation/knee evaluation with Bill to discuss what your experiencing. Bill will be able to provide great advice and recommendations/solutions for whats going on. If your interested, please click on the link below to complete the consultation form and schedule a date and time that is best for you. Feel free to reach out to me for further assistance.

Kind regards,

Mimi | Customer Service


Yes, I fell down the stairs and dislocated my knee (left),it’s been about 5 wks since then. I have 3 children and am 6 months pregnant,and I stay at home. So I am so ready to get back to normal. I have lost most all my muscle mass in my upper leg, is there an exercise to help get that back fast? and when I try to put weight on it shakes like jello. At the emergency room the doctor said it was sprained I have a follow up in a couple days . It also hurts on the inside… Read more »


Forgot there also it seems to me there is still a little swelling at the top of my knee.

Knee Pain Support Team

Hello Jessica,

Thank you for reaching out to us! After you get your third diagnosis, I suggest booking a free 30 min consultation/knee evaluation with Bill to discuss what your experiencing. Bill will be able to provide great advice and recommendations/solutions for whats going on. If your interested, please click on the link below to complete the consultation form and schedule a date and time that is best for you. Feel free to reach out to me for further assistance.

Kind regards,

Mimi | Customer Service


Im in gymnastics, I’m a 16 year old girl and we do over splits, it where you put your leg on a high level mat and push to a over split. i think i might have over extended it a bit(thats what my doctor said about half a month ago) but all he did was move it to the side and tug on it, he said it was a bit loose though. i didn’t get a x-ray because I’m guessing its something to do with a ligament or something. It hurts behind my left knee to the left of my… Read more »


In January 14,2013 i was playing soccer and Im the goalie.In a corner kick I came to punch the ball and out of a sudden I fell a pain.After the pain i threw my self to the floor and couldn’t keep playing . I went to the ER to get x ray done and they told me I had a knee sprain. I got a knee brace wear it for five moths.As I soon I fell better I started playing soccer but my knee is still swollen and I get pains. Plus I can really have my knee bend it… Read more »


it is going to be a year since I got my knee twisted while playing basketball. At that time doctor gave some pain killers and gel. It took a month to reduce swelling but not pain. Now most of the time I have difficulty in walking and I can’t bend my knees for long time. Even after sitting on a chair for a long time the pain starts. Now I can’t even run and if I try to run I feel like I may fall down. But sometimes I feel no pain while walking.

So, please give me some advice

Knee Pain Support Team

Hello Charlie,

Thank you for contacting us about your discomfort. To better assist you I have contacted you via email. We appreciate your interest and I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Kind regards,


Ricardo Felix

Okay, It’s been 3 months since I sprained my knee squatting. I have been resting, by that I mean I haven’t been doing any running or any exercise. I am really tired of just sitting on my ass every day. My knee has reduced it’s pain but I wouldn’t say its in perfect conditions. It still hurts a little bit when I twist my ankle or bend my knee. I really want to star playing soccer, I actually played like a week ago and it seemed fine, I didn’t feel any pain but the next day my knee was really… Read more »

Knee Pain Support Team


Thank you for reaching out to us about your knee. I’m glad to hear that your knee is feeling better! To better assist you with your questions and concerns, I have contacted you via email. Please feel free to contact us for further questions or concerns at 828-585-7275.

Kind regards,

Mimi|Customer Support


Hi Bill October 5th I randomly started feeling pain in my knee. Went to orthepedic he gave me a xray and mri. Nothing was broken or damaged just a lot of fluid showed in my mri. He drained out 75cc of fluid and gave me 4wks off work with physical therapy. I go back to see him today but I’m feeling the same amount of pain and my knee is swelled up just like it was before I got it drained. Its hard to go up stairs or bend knee. Pain is coming from the inside of my knee. He… Read more »

Knee Pain Support Team


Thank you for reaching out to us in regards to what your experiencing. To better assist you, I have contacted you via email.You may also contact us at 828-585-7275 and someone would gladly assist you.

Kind regards,

Mimi |Customer Support


Last night i had on silk pj pants and the bottom of them was under my heel, so i slipped (Din’t fall down) but my knee bent backwards and make a loud popping noise Now, This morning i cant put ANY pressure on it, and its SEVERELY bruised and its continuously throbbing and also swelling pretty bad. what should i do. im not sure if i should wrap it or not. I have done the ice thing and all that does is makes it ache on top of throbbing, so please tell me what i should do. im in so… Read more »


KneePainGuru – I notice for most replies you say ‘go ask your doctor’. But what about for people who can’t afford to see a doctor for a while? I have a sharp pain on the inside of my left knee (the part that touches the other knee when closing my legs) whenever I twist my leg a certain way or whenever I lay on my side with my legs and knees together. I sometimes will feel almost a sharp or bruised kind of pain, and when it was real bad it would refer an increasing deep aching/burning pain in the… Read more »


Hi, I sprained my knee about 3 weeks ago playing soccer. I was covering the ball and as i made a turn to the left somehow my foot got stuck in the grass and i heard my knee cracked. I remember i had a shooting pain and it went away. I was able to get up and walk normally, but the day after it got swollen and it hurted. Now the swolling has gone done, but the out side of my left knee kinda hurts i would say from 1-10 a 4 or 5. I dont know what could it… Read more »

Monika Gupta

I sprained my left knee while dancing and this was like 1.5 mnths ago. I went to a homeopathic doctor and got an x-ray nd thr was nthng wrong with the bones. I had swelling. I cant climb stairs. When i put some weight on my knee it pains a lot. What should i do?


I’ve been skiing for the last couple of days and today I had a fall and both knees hurt while I was lying in the snow. I probably shouldn’t have hit the slopes again but I did. It doesn’t hurt when I’m standing or walking or kneeling or sitting (or skiing) but it does when I try to stand up or go down stairs. Up stairs isn’t as bad. No swelling that I can see or feel and nothing tender upon touch except the inside of the left knee. Lying down, they feel weird. But not painful. Just… I can… Read more »


My boyfriend sprain his knee playing soccer his knee dislocates every other day. Could he still see a doctor if hes undocumented?

The question I wanna know if he’s able to be seen by a knee surgeon.

Knee Pain Support Team


Thank you for reaching out to us. I will be reaching out to you for more detailed information in regards to your comment.

Kind regards,

Mimi | Customer Support


The question I wanna know if he’s able to be seen by a knee surgeon.

Knee Pain Support Team

Carolina, Thank you for reaching out to us. To better assist you, I have contacted you on the email address provided.

Kind regards,

Mimi |The Knee Pain Guru


Last week I was playing soccer and made a tackle. The other girls foot and my foot both hit the ball at the same time but my knee twisted. It hurt at first but i was able to finish playing the game, thinking it was just an impact shock. It hurt that night, but only slightly when I put pressure on it. nothing major. The next day, i took Advil before the game, and that seemed to help. I could hardly feel the pain. But over the next few days, the pain grew more excessive, and Advil couldn’t block it… Read more »


Okay, so about a year ago I was in a soccer game and a player from the other team hit the outside of my knee and it made like a popping noise and my knee swelled up. I iced it and rested it and stayed off of it for a week, but I felt better so I went to play again for a school game. During the match I made a quick turn and it popped again. A medic checked it straight away and said that I had sprained my acl. It’s gotten a bit better but the inside of… Read more »


I’m 14 and about 2 weeks ago I was playing basketball and landed on my knee that night we went to the er and they had to wheel me into the x ray room they said nothing was broken and sent me to the orthopedic surgeon they said that it was cartilage more than likely and I needed an MRI but that’s 2000 dollars so its out of the question on this day I can easily walk and run but the pain is still there when I run it doesn’t even hurt that bad it’s just It’s really uncomfortable I’m… Read more »

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