GOT Knee ROM? Get Coaching Tomorrow…

Has your PT progress stalled?

ROM (Range of Motion) still not where it needs to be?

Doctor talking about MUA yet? (Manipulation Under Anesthesia)

I ran into the same damn thing after surgery…

Couldn’t get my heel to my butt…


Couldn’t get my leg fully straight…

PT kept looking to strengthen my left knee as being the solution.

Little did any of us know back then, the solution didn’t really lie in my knee…

Join me Thursday on the next “Knee Club” coaching call where we’ll cover:

“Why your knee won’t fully extend or bend.”

We’ll dig into the common pain patterns in the knee joint that prevents full ROM (Range of Motion)

The role your hips plays in knee flexion and extension…


Why scar tissue plays little or no role in your knee ROM

Then I’ll answer all your questions you’ve got about your knees pointing you towards the specific videos in the “Knee Club” members to give you the most relief in your knees until our next call.

You got to be a member to get access to the call…

Here’s the next thing you gotta do!

Click on the following link to become a member:

And when you do you’ll:

Instantly receive a “short list” of my most successful knee pain elimination videos to begin working with until the coaching call this Thursday.

As a “Knee Club” member and get your hands on all the tools, support, guidance, and direction you’ll need to continue on a path towards healing and eliminating knee pain.

See you on the call!

(The Knee Pain Guru)

~ “Putting the ‘FUN’ back into Knee DysFUNction”

Copyrighted & Published by Healing Concepts, L.P.

Bill Parravano is The Knee Pain Guru
“The Best in the World at Eliminating Knee Pain without Drugs, Shots, or Surgery.”
Healing Concepts, L.P.

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