Issues with the range of motion in the knee before or after knee surgery makes moving difficult without knee pain.
Many times range of motion problems in the knee is blamed on scar tissue. It’s important to understand the range of motion in the knee or lack thereof is a direct result of the body “hitting the brakes” and not feeling safe enough to fully extend or fully bend.
The goal of this playlist is to open up new possibilities in your mind around the concept of creating comfort in the knee to increase knee range of motion.
Can You Increase the Range of Motion in the Knee without Force? by the Knee Pain Guru #kneeclub
Hyperextended my Knee and can’t straighten it by the Knee Pain Guru #KneeClub
ROM issues from trauma to the right knee by the Knee Pain Guru #KneeClub
Thinning Cartilage, unable to squat by the Knee Pain Guru #KneeClub
Unable to bend Knee from Ruptured Patella tendon by the Knee Pain Guru #KneeClub
Pain while stretching post ACL complete rupture by the Knee Pain Guru #KneeClub
MCL Tear – Lack of flexion and stiffness in joint by the Knee Pain Guru #kneeclub
Pain in Ligament below the knee & Lack of Mobility by the Knee Pain Guru #kneeclub
Range of Motion and Improving strength by the Knee Pain Guru #kneeclub
Hard time bending knees after Open Reduction Plate Surgery by the Knee Pain Guru #kneeclub
Knees Over Toes Guy, ACL Surgery, & Limited ROM by the Knee Pain Guru #KneeClub
Lack of ROM post TKR surgery affecting Quality of Life by the Knee Pain Guru
ROM restricted from Patella Tendon Rupture by the Knee Pain Guru #kneeclub
Can fight or flight response last for years? by the Knee Pain Guru #kneeclub
Increase Knee Extension after Surgery by the Knee Pain Guru #kneeclub