Before the thought of getting the ends of the bones in your leg cut off and replaced with plastic and metal sounds like a good idea…

Thanks for requesting the “The Top 4 Massage Points That Eliminate Knee Pain” – it should be arriving in your e-mail in about 15 minutes.
While you’re waiting – stay with me for a few minutes – I’d like to tell you my #1 method for recovering from knee pain as quickly and naturally as humanly possible.
But first, let me stress the importance in taking care of your knee pain fully and completely – right away…[/text_block]

“Nearly 1 in 2 people may develop symptomatic knee osteoarthritis by age 85.”
This taken word for word from the Centers of Disease Control website.
“Over 676,000 knee replacement surgeries are done in the US alone every year with that trend expected to rise.”
Then there’s this one from the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons.

“This doesn’t apply to my knees!“
You’re probably thinking to yourself, “This doesn’t apply to my knees!” or My knees aren’t that bad!“ or “I’ll never get a knee replacement surgery!“
I bet that’s what all of those people lining up for a knee replacement said in the past too.
But when you’re sitting on the doctor’s examination table and the pain in your knees hasn’t stopped for months. The idea of getting the ends of the bones in your legs cut off and replaced with plastic and metal to get the pain to stop may not sound like a bad idea.
I’m not saying this is your doctor, but did you ever wonder if he was saying you needed surgery just for the money?
Between now and then…It’s a long haul on the road of pain, stiffness and heart break littered with “what ifs” and “could have beens” in your life…
“Your options for pain management: Physical Therapy, Drugs, Shots & more Surgery“
Well, if you’re one of the 99% of knee pain sufferers unhappy with this trend or any of the following:[/text_block]

- the non-answers coming from your doctor…
- the kind of results you’re getting from your current PHYSICAL THERAPY program…
- sick of prescription DRUGS for numbing the pain…
- the cortisone SHOTS that didn’t last…
- the thought of another SURGERY just doesn’t work for you…

- You’re looking for another solution that is “outside the box” that hasn’t been offered as an option before?

But if YOU do – you’re the kind of person I CAN HELP IN A BIG WAY, and here’s how I want to prove it to you…

[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left” font_size=”16″]For a limited time, I’m offering a no obligation 30-minute “Knee Pain Elimination Strategy Session” with me, Bill, The Knee Pain Guru — focused 100% on helping you create your own customized strategy to overcome your knee pain.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

You got it right – a REAL consultation.
Not a busy doctor giving you 5 minutes out of their already packed schedule only to quickly give you a quick diagnosis with no explanation leaving you more stuck and frustrated than you were before waiting 45 minutes in the reception area for him to give you a this non-answer.
Here’s what’s going to happen…
I’m going to ask you questions and listen.
I’ll provide answers and strategies. At the end I’ll give you a step-by-step breakdown of the vital action you can take to relieve your knee pain and setup the conditions so your body can heal your knee(s).
Most people who receive this consultation feel relief by the end of our 30 minutes
Now you may be asking:
“What’s the point? How are you going to help me?”
“Commitment, Clarity, Thrive”
There are three basic reasons:
- By clicking on the link and filling out the questionnaire, you’re COMMITING to get all that “stuff” that’s in your head out and in a place that can begin moving you in the direction you want in your life so you can stop thinking about your knees.
- You will gain CLARITY and understanding of where you’ve come with your knees to get to the point where you’re at right now. (Believe it or not it plays a huge role) Then you’ll receive your “marching orders” which are the next 3 highest leverage action steps to put you on a path of full recovery from knee pain.
- Of course, I do have an ulterior motive…The Knee Pain Guru has a wealth of resources available to enable knee pain sufferers to overcome their knee pain so they not only survive day to day hoping their knees won’t hurt too bad, but to THRIVE!
If there’s a program that works better I’ll suggest it, if I know of a resource more effective then, I’ll point you in that direction. If the timing for us is not right, I’ll suggest when to check back in with me and what your strategy is in the meantime.[/text_block]

“Begin feeling relief immediately…”
So if your tired of thinking about your knees all the time and watching your life pass as each day goes by…And if your ready to make the necessary changes in your life to setup the conditions so your body can heal your knees and begin feeling relief immediately…
Then you need to apply for your own “Knee Pain Elimination Strategy Session” right now!
Take advantage of this no-obligation 30 minute “Knee Pain Elimination Strategy Session” with me, Bill, The Knee Pain Guru – focused 100% on helping you get clear on the best way to maximize your body’s ability to heal your knees.[/text_block]

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Then I want to offer this consultation to you for only $97.
Why would I do this? Simple.
It’s my way of giving you a first hand experience working with me, and seeing just how quickly, easily, and effectively you can eliminate your knee pain.
And, if you’re as surprised and delighted as I believe you will be once you experience it – you might decide to working with me further.
But rest assured – this is the same professional knee pain consultation I do with all my clients. (It’s not some sales call in disguise: there will be NO selling here.)
Here’s what you get…[/text_block]

BONUS #1 – A Copy of “The Comfort Zone” e-book and videos ($39 value)
11 Simple stretches specifically designed to get the pressure off of the nerves in your knee(s) and get you relief from knee pain right NOW!
BONUS #2 – A Copy of “Stop Your Knee Pain Now!” e-book and videos ($47 value)
My premier guide for stretching your legs and strengthening the tendons, ligaments and fascia in your knees (There are no muscles!) to make them strong, flexible and healthy.
BONUS #3 – 30 days in the Knees For Life Inner Circle ($97 value)
Which includes the following:

- Private Knees For Life Inner Circle Facebook page
- Full access to my members ONLY “Virtual Knee Pain Clinic” – This is the resource I’ve built over the past 7 years and use to eliminate the knee pain with all my private coaching clients. This is going to be very valuable during our call together!
- 2 Knees For Life Google Hangouts – These are 1 hour sessions held twice a month to answer Knee For Life members’ questions where you have the opportunity to work with me one on one in the Hangout Live.

BONUS #4 – Dr. Frank Charles’s Ultimate Knee Pain Supplement List – This is the foremost list of natural solutions acute & chronic pain and inflammation. With supplements that support your body’s ability to break down scar tissue, heal torn tendons and ligaments, regrow torn or worn away cartilage & meniscus, and break down baker’s cysts. ($29 value)
Total value of this package is $628 all for only $97

During our conversation, you’ll gain a clear understanding of what’s currently causing the pain in your knee(s) and how they got that way. (Believe it or not – this plays a huge role in your recovery).
Then based on your specific personal situation, I’ll suggest the top 3 fastest, most effective things you can do to get on the path to FULL RECOVERY from your knee pain as fast as possible.
Then, at the end of our conversation, one of these things will happen…
You may be really inspired at the potential for healing that you’ve personally experienced and want to work with me further. If I feel I can help, we’ll work out the best program for you. (If not, I’ll give you my best recommendations and referrals).
Or, you may be ok with the value you received on the consultation, and want to leave it with that. That’s perfectly OK too.
Or, in the unlikely event that you think you received absolutely no value from our conversation and I’ve wasted your time – just tell me and I’ll process an immediate refund.
No matter what, the upside is all yours, the risk is all mine.
In fact – I’ll even send you a free copy of my good friend, Dr. Frank Charles’ “Ultimate Knee Pain Supplement List” – just for completing the questionnaire.
Bottom line…
I’ve you’re truly motivated to get your strong, flexible knees back for the rest of your life…
If you’re tired of your knees constantly limiting your ability to enjoy a full, active life…
And if you’re ready to make changes that allow your body to naturally eliminate your knee pain, starting immediately…
Then this will be an easy “Yes!” decision, and you’re the kind of person I can – and want to – help most.
To get started, just click the button below to send me your questionnaire and reserve your consultation.[/text_block]

This includes The Knee Pain Guru Pain-Free GUARANTEE…
In the unlikely event that you think you received absolutely no value from our conversation and I’ve wasted your time – just tell me. I’ll give you your money back and I’ll let you keep the books, “The Comfort Zone” & “Stop Your Knee Pain Now!” for your time! There’s ABSOLUTELY NO-RISK for you!

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(The Knee Pain Guru)
P.S. – FYI, this is the ONLY TIME you are going to see this offer so take advantage of it now while you are here on this page![/text_block]