Thank You!

Dear Friend,

I have some important questions for you. Think carefully as you answer.

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  • Have your knees ever ached so bad that they have woken you up in the middle of the night only to leave you unable to fall back to sleep and limping around like a zombie the next day?
  • Do you feel so much chronic pain, tension, tightness, swelling, and discomfort in your knees on a daily basis that you judge good days and bad days by the number of aspirin or Tylenol you take?
  • Do you fear that you are in a “holding” pattern until your knees get bad enough that the drugs and painkilling shots will no longer work and the only option you are left with is knee replacement surgery?
  • Have you ever wanted to go out side and play with your children but couldn’t because your knees hurt too much and you knew that your knees would be swollen for the next couple of days.
  • How badly to do you want to get back in the “game” and compete like you used to, but you know after just a few minutes you may pull up “lame” and have to sit on the sidelines for the rest of the game? Or do you just avoid playing because you know you can’t perform like you used to when your knees were healthy?
  • Have you ever been invited to go out dancing only to have to decline because you knew even if you made it through the evening without your knees giving out, your knees would be in relentless pain the rest of the week?
  • Have you ever had to miss work because your knees were in too much pain?
  • Are you afraid the chronic pain, tension, tightness, and discomfort in your knees are never going to change and may one day get so bad even to a point of not being able to walk leaving you immobile and completely dependent on other people?


If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, then I have some good news for you: There is a SOLUTION, and you are NOT alone…

Millions of people have experienced some sort of knee injury in their life.

At that time, you were probably given the same regimen I was when my knee was injured ten years ago: R.I.C.E.





All this is well and good. But…

It’s Not The Entire Answer

What if the situation doesn’t improve?

What if your doctor does everything he can and you still have pain, swelling, and discomfort days… months, and even years after the initial injury and/or surgery?

Chronic pain situations can ruin your outlook on life and even make you feel pessimistic about life in general. It may cause you to believe you’ve been condemned to a life of pain…

…that your knee will be forever “screwed up”…

In December of 1998 I dislocated my left knee while skiing. It was the first of four dislocations that I suffered.

The second occurred while I was practicing judo…

…the third while playing volleyball…

…and the last one during a softball game.

Finally, I decided to see an orthopedic doctor in an attempt to find out what was wrong.

Yes, it took me that long…

Yes, I sometimes don’t take subtle hints very well…

I was crushed to learn that I had torn the ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) in my left knee, which meant there was nothing preventing my knee joint from dislocating over and over again.

I was told I had two choices:

• To do nothing, which was not an option for me. I couldn’t imagine going through life terrified that my knee could dislocate again at any time and be in constant pain. OR….
• To have surgery, which is the option I chose, since I wasn’t content sitting around doing nothing about my knee injury.

The surgery took place a month later and I followed up with 3 months of physical therapy with my goal to be back training in judo like I did before.

I worked hard and I never missed a session with the physical therapist….

…I was determined to succeed. I endured the pain and did the exercises faithfully knowing that once the doctor gave me the “green light” I could go back to Judo.

Then the day finally came. My legs tested strong. My left leg was as strong as my right leg and the doctor gave me the “O.K.”

However, there was one problem. I still had pain in my knee not to mention the rest of my body.

I was numb, confused, and frustrated.

I continued the R.I.C.E. therapy, but that wasn’t really working.

The drugs weren’t an option any more…

…they just made me sick

What the hell was going on?

I did everything “by the book” and still I was in so much pain, in my knee and other places too (hips, back, shoulders, neck)

…and to make matters worse now it seemed like I was out of options.

I was in pain, I was angry….pissed off….and frustrated.

I couldn’t really work out, participate in sports or continue my judo training like I wanted to…these were my favorite pastimes and stress releases.

I was suffering in so many different ways – Physically, Mentally, and Emotionally.

There seemed to be no escape.

Where do I get help?

The doctor and the physical therapist did all they could and now is this the life I have left?

Who do I turn to?

Who do I trust?

Where could I find answers when everyone around me was telling me that I just needed to accept how I felt, and my knee was never going to be totally pain free?

What kind of F****** life is that?

I felt as though I was at a dead end – that I would be forced to live out the rest of my days with a sore knee that I would be “babying” while everyone else enjoyed their lives.

My Missing link to pain free knees…

But all that changed in the spring of 2000 when a martial arts buddy started giving me some new exercises that I had never seen or done before. Ones that not even my doctor or physical therapist had recommended. He said I could do them at home in just a few minutes a day. They really were different than anything I had done before.

I felt muscles working in my body differently, and I started to see dramatic changes taking place in my knee pain. It was reduced, it was intermittent, it shifted to other areas of my body, like it was being distributed…

The exercises were getting to the places that really needed them.

The work was hard and I was sore afterwards, but this time it was different…

The results amazed me, my knee pain was going away.

Once I discovered that there were other, more effective ways to eliminate knee pain, I started to do my own research into more ways.

I found many solutions to regenerate the strength and flexibility in my knees, ways my doctor and physical therapist never spoke of.

I spent the next 9 years studying, researching, and practicing… anatomy, body systems, various healing techniques, such as Ortho-Bionomy, Reiki, Healing Touch, Massage, Rolfing, Chiropractic, Breathing/Breath Work, Physiology, herbs, supplements, various types of ‘blood type’ diets, vegetarian/vegan, raw food nutrition, and Systema – The Russian Martial Art.

I saw when I shared the information that had been passed onto me with others it was helping them to eliminate their knee pain too, and it was lasting!

In the last nine years I learned and saw a lot of things people did that were contributing to their pain, and I was able to distill a few of the biggest mistakes people make, and I want to give those to you so that you can begin your journey to pain free knees. I know with this information it will take you a lot less time than it did for me.

I am giving you the short cuts.

The problem isn’t going to solve itself, and you will not have pain free knees unless you DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

The bad news is this is never easy.

In fact most people go their entire lives with pain & discomfort in their knees.

Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be this way for you.


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The 5 Mistakes Knee Pain Sufferers Make
And How to Avoid Them

1.) Not Enough Water

Human beings are 80% water. Not enough water leads to chronic dehydration which dries out your knee joint, leads to your bones rubbing together resulting in recurring knee pain.

When the water loss is persistent it creates an acidic state in the knees, which causes irritation in the nerve endings resulting in more intense, even excruciating pain in your knees.

Proper hydration of the body results in reduced joint and bone “stiffness” and can eliminate considerable knee pain.

Water is programmed by your brain to get to the knee joints last, so without enough water, your knees will start to wear away, like car parts without the proper lubrication. Your brain thinks other functions have a higher priority for water, like your heart, digestive system, blood etc. So, you have to drink enough water for your entire body, including your knees.

Without enough water, your knees will feel like a dry and brittle cracker.

Proper hydration is the beginning of the end of your knee pain.

2.) Doing Knee Exercises Too Fast & the Wrong Ones

Most Doctors & Physical Therapists will tell you that the key to your knee recovering is muscle strength… WRONG.

There are NO MUSCLES in and around the front of the knee. It is primarily tendons and ligaments.

Tendons and ligaments are what supports the knee joint to provide smooth, pain-free movement.

Tendons and ligaments are the unknown hidden factors that are the essential to pain free knees.

So why then does most literature advise chronic knee pain sufferers to strengthen the muscles in the legs to protect the knees from injury – and not the tendons and ligaments?

If you do exercises “normally” one rep at a time for 12 to 15 reps, odds are you will still have knee pain at the end of the day. Why?

Muscle fatigue begins after 7 seconds of exercise. Tendons fully engage only AFTER the muscle is fatigued.

Therefore, if you are not doing each rep for longer than 7 seconds, you are not fatiguing the muscles long enough to build the strength in and around the knee joint itself.

In my eBook I have details about the absolute best exercises to do to strengthen your tendons, ligaments, and connective tissues, and exactly how to do them in the comfort of your home in only 11 minutes a day.

These unique exercises will amaze you when your knee pain goes away.

3.) Improper Breathing

It is difficult to do an exercise for more than 7 seconds without breathing.

Most of the time, when your body experiences stress you tend to hold your breath.

Improper breathing will lead to your body tensing and actually getting tighter and stiffer.

By keeping your breathing constant (in through your nose and out through your mouth) during the entire exercise, you not only exercise your tendons, you also oxygenate the brain, preventing light-headedness.

The more difficult or challenging the exercise, the faster your breathing needs to be.

You can see this exact breathing sequence demonstrated in my eBook videos or my DVD, if you need more details. You will learn proper breathing during the exercises that rapidly reduce tension and speed up the recovery of your knee pain.

4.) Poor Diet & Nutrition

The foods you eat have a direct effect on your knee pain. Poor diet creates an acidic state in your body, which irritates nerve endings in your tendons, muscles, ligaments, and joints sending a signal to your brain that your knees hurt.

Proper diet & nutrition for your body will balance your PH, and reduce the acidic state in your knees.

Reduced acidity = Reduced pain

Proper food is like the proper fuel for your car, you wouldn’t run your car on coffee, would you?

In other words: fresh fruits, vegetables, and a diet in alignment with how we have evolved as human beings makes it easy to reduce the pain, swelling, and inflammation that is going on in your knees.

5.) Improper Stretching

Our bodies are not robots, current stretching techniques do not get your tendons and ligaments to become flexible, it only focuses on your muscles.

Muscles only move linearly (straight lines), tendons and ligaments move dynamically (at angles).

Unless you always move like a robot, stretching muscles isn’t going to eliminate pain in your knees.

By understanding your knees and giving them what they need, you will start to distribute the pain in a very short period of time.

In my eBook, I give you 18 specific techniques to stretch your tendons and ligaments that will create flexible and strong knees.


You will learn all of this and more:

There are 2 strategies that when done right, will get you off the couch and walking around pain free instantly.

You will be able to compete again at the sport of your choice.

You will be able to play with your kids, and roll around on the ground with full confidence in your ability to get up on your own, and with no pain.

I know these 5 simple techniques will eliminate your chronic knee pain because I practiced them – to remarkable effect.

I had the weak, swollen, tender achy knees that hurt when I walked and kept me awake at night.

I understand the worry of ending up on the ground because my knees might not support me.

I remember the pain, the tension and discomfort the rest of my body felt because it had to compensate for my lack of confidence in my knees.

Doctor’s will not tell you this information. Why? Because they don’t know it. Most of them have not been in the “trenches” like I have.

In this ground breaking program you’ll learn how to use these unique exercises to pinpoint the specific problems you are having with your knees that are causing you great pain and discomfort…and figure out EXACTLY how to fix them quickly.

Going through this program is like replacing your weak, worn out knees with the new models, and without surgery.

“Today I live an active life that I want with pain free knees…”

…and I am not afraid of my knees…

…I go on 2+ mile runs, pain FREE.

I practice martial arts for over 4 hours/week. Often times on my knees.

My legs feel light, strong, and can work all day long like a pair of pistons.

What have I learned from those nine years studying knee pain healing techniques?

Quite a lot…

Which is why I decided to create this complete collection of videos, audios, and reports in one place. I call it the VIRTUAL CLINIC.

It contains the collected learning from nearly a decade of study, application in my practice, and personal videos for any and all knee pain conditions that come up from clients.

With all the information in the Virtual Clinic, you’ll be able to get your “old life back,” and all the confidence you had before your knee pain began.

By following the exercises – consistently and on a day-to-day basis – you’ll realize dramatic reductions in pain and increases in your sense of overall well being.

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  Case Study with Leo

  Case Study with Rasika


This program is simple, easy to follow & only takes 30 minutes a day.

Here are a few of the things you will learn inside this exciting program:

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  • Two short, simple exercises that you can do five minutes daily – even while watching television. These exercises work directly with the nervous system to stabilize your body and get the “blood flowing” again in your knee.
  • Beginning techniques that will help to loosen up your tight knees allowing you to get your rear end off the couch and up and around the house doing the things you love to do in no time.
  • Advanced techniques – When you’re ready, these will work out the “kinks” and get your knees strong and flexible – so you have no fear about going for that morning jog or dancing on the weekends.
  • How to create strong tendons and ligaments that are the “REAL” support for your knees that will give you a rock solid foundation of confidence in your step.
  • A special knee strengthening technique that will work the “side to side” tendon strength of your knee that will make you feel like you’re floating rather than walking. (This one is perfect for those who want to get back on the dance floor.)
  • Exercises that simultaneously stretch and strengthen your knees to create strong, flexible, athletic legs like you had when you were younger so much so that your doctor and your physical therapist will think some sort of miracle happened with your knees.
  • A special breathing technique that will erase the tension and stress that builds up in your knees – allowing you to run longer than you ever thought possible even before your knee injury.
  • Sure-fire exercises for building the leg strength you need, so you will never get “stuck” again in the space between standing and sitting so that you will effortlessly “spring” up from any chair or out of your car.
  • The 2 main causes of knee pain, and how to stop them immediately.
  • A brand new scientifically proven method to permanently eliminate your knee pain, no matter how severe, and replace the pain with strength and flexibility.
  • How to conquer your fears of going for that run, or bending down to stretch, or getting back on the dance floor once and for all.
  • You’ll learn the difference between muscular strength and tendon strength – and what it feels like – so you can get that un-wavering confidence back in your knees and you will never again have to tell your child you can’t play ball with them right now.
  • The great thing about this program is that it gives scientifically accurate and measurable results that you can COUNT on.
  • Plus much, much more


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  Case Study with Nigel

  Case Study with Ivor

  Case Study with Lance


Who shouldn’t buy this program?

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  • Anyone who would rather whine and complain about their knee pain to their family, friends, and everyone around them yet do nothing about it…
  • Anyone who is waiting around until they get older biding their time with prescription drugs and painkillers until they are a prime candidate for knee replacement surgery…
  • Anyone who would rather sit around and feel sorry for themselves rather then do anything about their knee pain…
  • Anyone who prefers wishing that their knee pain would go away rather than take any action…
  • Anyone who really likes PAIN
  • Anyone who would trade 30 minutes a day for watching TV, instead of living pain free.
  • Anyone who likes using a cane to walk
  • Anyone who enjoys having their children take care of them.
  • Anyone who really doesn’t want to be independent and take care of the things that require you to walk or bend down.


How Do You Know If This Program Is For You?

If you have experienced any of the following, this program is definitely for you:

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  • If you’ve ever experienced chronic pain in your knees that keeps you from your favorite activities like walking, hiking, or even running…
  • The frustration from needing to do work around the house but you can’t because the pain in your knees is too great…
  • If your knee pain has ever prevented you from going to work, and having to call in sick.
  • If you have ever absolutely dreaded either sitting down in or standing up from a chair…
  • If you have ever injured your knees and you have already checked it out with your doctor and he says there is nothing broken or torn…yet you still have pain.
  • If you are searching for other options other than drugs or surgery to overcome your knee injury…
  • If you want your independence back and don’t want others help to get up off the couch.
  • If you are willing to do a few exercises while sitting at work or watching TV.
  • If you are just plain tired of being in pain.
  • If you have tried EVERYTHING and you can’t figure out why you are still in pain and how to solve it. . .this program is especially for YOU.


The bottom line is this:

I don’t need to tell you whether or not you need the information that is in this VIRTUAL CLINIC. If you need it, you already know it.

There is a very good chance that this INFORMATION contains THE KEY you need to eliminate the pain in your knees, and completely avoid knee surgery or further injuries. And I want you to have it…

Why this program is very different from anything else out there…

Before you decide if this Virtual Clinic is for you…I want to tell you why it’s DIFFERENT from everything else that’s ever been created on this topic.

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  • It’s the first time that a “VIRTUAL CLINIC” has ever been created specifically for people who want to eliminate their knee pain naturally without drugs or surgery
  • The Ebook “Stop Your Knee Pain Now!” is included in the VIRTUAL CLINIC and it gives you 3 strategies that doctors are never taught, and so they don’t even know to recommend these strategies that actually will eliminate your knee pain and get you back to an active lifestyle.
  • This VIRTUAL CLINIC is a condensed, high impact, Best of the Best, “Library of Congress” when it comes to eliminating your knee pain. EVERYTHING you need is here.
  • The VIRTUAL CLINIC is INTERACTIVE. . . it teaches you exercises and tools that you will actually use and apply as you read and listen. And if you have a question… just ask your question and I will post a video to give you the answer!
  • Everything I teach you will support you in the elimination of pain and stress from your body.
  • This VIRTUAL CLINIC is focused on helping you solve your knee pain issues at the CORE of the problem.
  • Doctors will focus on muscles and bones, when the real secret to healing your knee pain is your tendons and ligaments.
  • This VIRTUAL CLINIC approaches knee pain from the standpoint of strengthening and stretching the tendons and ligaments in the knee joint itself, and not the leg muscles which most people think is the solution…
  • This VIRTUAL CLINIC goes into detail of the importance of breathing and what a profound effect it has on the tension that builds up in your body and contributes to your knee pain…
  • This VIRTUAL CLINIC contains my best selling Ebook, “Stop Your Knee Pain Now”, the videos of 18 specific exercises described in the Ebook that will demonstrate the movements and breathing, illustrated pictures which show the detail in each exercise, and stretching and exercise videos from every other knee problem clients have described or asked about. There are 189 videos, audios and it’s growing!
  • It the most comprehensive, interactive resource for alternative knee pain strategies available today…


What can you do if you want to avoid surgery, and still heal the pain in your knees?

Armed with the knowledge in my VIRTUAL CLINIC, I promise that you are going to feel like you have new knees within 90 days of going through this information. And you won’t have to wait that long because within one month you’ll see 5 dramatic improvements emerging.

In just 30 days you’ll notice:

  1. Your knees will not ache or be in discomfort when sitting, standing, or sleeping.
  2. Walking, running, playing sports, or dancing… activities that felt “out of your realm of possibility” now seem within your reach.
  3. Normal daily activities no longer feel like “painful hard work on your knees”… it’s effortless.
  4. The feeling of nervousness you used to get before standing, sitting, or bending down is completely gone.
  5. For reasons that are a mystery to everyone but you, me, and those who join my VIRTUAL CLINIC… you not only are eliminating the pain in your knees… you are becoming strong and flexible.

And there’s one more thing you’ll notice.

I can’t say when. It may happen within the first couple of weeks… or several months down the road, but it will happen. I guarantee it.

It’s what I call…

The “Magic Moment”

It’s magic because you’ll see exciting changes happening in your life, and you will be curious and suspicious all at the same time… The moment that happens…

You get it.

You realize you are awed by what’s happening to you. You stop what you’re doing. You feel a weight lift from your shoulders. And you smile. Not a half smile like when you want to be considerate to a sales clerk… This is a gigantic SMILE that tells you – I’ve been there and now I’m here and I never thought it was possible!

Here’s what you suddenly realize.
First, any doubts or skepticism you had about eliminating discomfort and pain in your knees are GONE. You know you can do it. And you know you have the tools to do it again whenever needed.

And second… for perhaps the very first time… you see an incredibly bright future unfolding before you.

Your magic moment might happen when you sit in your favorite chair, or get out of your car…

Or maybe it will happen when you’re walking up the stairs at work, instead of taking the elevator.

Or maybe you’ll feel it when you are out running errands and bend over to pick up a piece of paper.

Several people have told me they feel as if the world has become an exciting 3-D movie and they’re the only ones wearing 3-D glasses. No one else can see the wonderful things that are taking place or the abundance of strength and flexibility that YOU now feel… and it’s unmistakable.

Perhaps you’ll find yourself in the middle of a pick up game of basketball… and you get the rebound… or at the grocery store picking something off the bottom shelf…or at the shopping mall taking the stairs instead of the escalator. Maybe that’s when you’ll finally know…

I want you to experience your magic moment… and turn your life into the exciting adventure it is meant to be.

And now it’s up to you to make it happen.

Don’t let another day go by. Make the decision right now to create this new life for yourself… and don’t let anything stop you from living a life pain free.

It’s time.

What will you get with your VIRTUAL CLINIC membership?

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  • An easy-to-understand, fully illustrated e-Book that will guide you, step-by-step, in how to heal your knees and build strong, flexible athletic legs. – A $27.00 value
  • An audio copy of my interview with Dr. Charlie Beck, D.O. “The Dynamics Of Knee Pain.” – A $47.00 value. This interview talks about how knee pain affects the rest of the body- regarding tension, sickness, headaches – Dr. Beck goes into detail how proper body alignment allows the body to heal itself, the principles of Osteopathy, and comes from an approach as to how knee pain effects the entire person.
  • An audio copy of my interview with nutrition expert, Jeanie Anderson, “The Water/Knee Pain Connection.” You will learn the importance of this amazing fluid to speed up your knee recovery- A $47.00 value.
  • An audio copy of my talk “The 5 Pillars Of Knee Pain Recovery.” A complete step by step guide to eliminating knee pain & cancelling your knee surgery. – Also a $47.00 value
  • A digital version of my 18 specific exercises outlined in my Ebook, “Stop Your Knee Pain Now”. Each video takes you through the exercise and the breathing technique with a personal live demonstration so you know exactly how to do the exercise and what to expect.
  • A full library of videos for every conceivable knee problem and what to do, step by step, to address the pain in your knee as a result of that particular diagnosis. These include bone on bone, fluid on the knee, osteoarthritis, degenerative changes, pain when bending, and the list goes on and on.
  • Plus there are a number of videos and additional information that address the tension, stress and discomfort in the rest of your body too… feet, ankles, hips, lower back, shoulders, neck, etc.
  • And if there is no video for your situation, all you need to do is post a question, describe your problem and I will post a video to support and resolve that issue, just for you.


The total value of this package is priceless
What value can you possibly place on PAIN FREE KNEES?

I was in your shoes once….

…and I remember what it was like to have chronic knee pain and feel the frustration and anger of not knowing where to turn or who to trust or what to do about my knee pain…

Everything inside of me was screaming for help, yet I never felt really heard or understood. Does this sound like you?

I know what it feels like to ask that question, “Is This As Good As It Gets?”

Well the truth is – You can eliminate your knee pain forever!

I have distilled over nine years of study, training, education, and experience into this single program. Not to mention the thousands and thousands and thousands I have spent on surgery, physical therapy, gadgets, massages, ice packs, special braces, special bandages, and on and on.

One session with a physical therapist/trainer costs $80 to $125/hour. You will never learn in 5 sessions what you will gain from the information in my VIRTUAL CLINIC.

One hour of massage costs between $60 and $100. That will leave you feeling better perhaps for a day… maybe two. The information in my VIRTUAL CLINIC will serve you for a lifetime. Living a pain free life is all anyone with knee pain could want.

The choice is yours, do you want to live with the pain, the upset, the lack of mobility, the lack of participating in your favorite activities or sports, no ability to play with your children, or simply get out on the dance floor?

OR . . .

Do you want to eliminate your pain, and be able to walk, run, dance, or play your favorite sport or activity, fully independent of others help?

The Choice Is Yours…

When you invest in the VIRTUAL CLINIC membership, and you read the “Stop Your Knee Pain Now!” Ebook, and watch the videos all the way through. Then, do the exercises 30 minutes a day. Just 30 minutes. In 30 days – you will have dramatically improved the condition of your knees, eliminated your chronic knee pain, gained new confidence in your knees and have the freedom in your legs that you did when you were younger.

Here’s to living a pain free life,

Bill Parravano, the knee pain guru

Bill Parravano

(The Knee Pain Guru)

P.S. Sadly, so many people go through their lives with chronic knee pain without ever feeling truly “recovered.” I don’t want you to be one of those people facing surgery.

This information will show you exactly how to get rid of the pain, tension, swelling, stiffness, and discomfort in your knees giving you a new lease on life. You will be back on the field competing with no pain, or on the dance floor, with no discomfort. This is the “light at the end of the tunnel.” I personally guarantee it.

P.P.S. This information is immediately available to you on your computer through a private, members only, website. Once you start using this information, and doing the stretches and exercises, please be sure to send me an email to tell me how it’s working out for you at Bill @

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Commonly asked Questions & Answers

I have already had surgery and I am still in pain, can this information help me get rid of the pain?

Absolutely, here is a common misconception that knee surgery = pain free…I was in the same situation and I was able to help countless clients and myself over the past 10 years to get over their chronic knee pain. When you take a “bird’s eye view” of what is going on with your knee (as long as nothing is broken or torn) I believe all knee pain can be eliminated. We just need to figure out the right combination of water, nutrition, exercise, stretching, and breathing to create the conditions that make it inevitable for your body to get rid of your chronic knee pain.

I have knee surgery scheduled in a month, is surgery the only solution to rid myself of knee pain?

With knee surgery, there is no guarantee that your pain will be eliminated. Knee surgery is absolutely necessary to fix whatever is broken or torn, however, once the injury is surgically resolved, your knee could still be in pain. That was my personal experience and many clients share this same experience. If your knee surgery is targeted to resolve the pain, and there is nothing broken or torn, then you do have this option to resolve your knee pain. I believe that many knee surgeries could be avoided if a broader, more holistic approach was taken into consideration.

Why can’t I get these specific exercises from my doctor or physical therapist?

That is a great question. I don’t believe they know about them or understand the distinction between muscle strength and tendon & ligament strength…That is something you might want to ask them…Tell them I sent you.

Is there truly a natural way to completely heal my chronic knee pain and still remain active while doing it?

Absolutely. I do believe that is how your body is meant to heal your chronic knee pain. There is a comprehensive approach that needs to be implemented which includes water & nutrition (setting up the conditions for your body to heal itself), breathing (reducing stress in your body), and strength & flexibility (making sure the joint is strong through tendon and ligament exercises).

Will the exercises in your VIRTUAL CLINIC benefit a 60+ year old with degenerative knee problems? And are they safe?

There is a certain degree of risk no matter what kind of exercise program you begin, however, if your doctor is giving you the “green light” to exercise then what I have to offer in my book and in my VIRTUAL CLINIC will be just fine for you. Just remember if you begin to feel any type of discomfort then discontinue the exercise immediately. Go slow and be consistent and you will be just fine…

Can your program help me to stop taking pain medication?

You will have to check with your doctor as to whether or not to stop taking your pain medication, however, in my own experience when you create the conditions your body needs to heal your chronic knee pain, with your doctor’s help you should be able to reduce the amount of medication you would require to deal with what is going on in your knees…

Do you have a medical degree or other qualifications to instruct people on their knee problems? Are your findings medically based?

After reconstructive surgery and physical therapy on my left knee in 1999, I still had lots of pain, tension, and swelling in my knees, not to mention the tension in the rest of my body as a result of compensating for my left knee. Following surgery I spent the next 13 years studying complementary therapies, nutrition, exercise, strength training, martial arts, anatomy & physiology finding out what works for both myself and clients to successfully eliminate knee pain. Today, the proof is in my clients, not in a medical degree. – I know what works as well as what does not…

I have a bone on bone situation and the doctor said that I won’t be able to do any physical activities, and nothing can be done to help my knee pain? Do you have any suggestions to make a bone on bone situation feel better without surgery?

Absolutely. Bone on bone is nothing more that a situation where your knee is no longer working efficiently with your body and just needs a little “encouragement” to get up to speed. Working specifically to create comfort in your knee joint first is exactly what your body needs to get the bones to stop rubbing against each other and allowing your knees the space they need to begin healing themselves… Yes, there are many exercise and stretching options that can be done and I do believe these are things your doctor may not be aware of.

I have tried everything, is this just more of the same?

No, not at all, this program was created by a former chronic knee pain sufferer, me, for chronic knee pain sufferers. Everything I show you I do myself and you can do it too.

If I am somewhat handicapped, and can only sit, not stand for any significant period of time. Are there exercises that can help me get rid of the pain in my knee?

Yes, there are several exercises in my Ebook and VIRTUAL CLINIC that can help a person who can only sit to get strength and flexibility back into the knee joints…

I can’t seem to get a diagnosis, 4 doctors have said 4 different things. Meanwhile, I’m in terrible pain, almost debilitating, my quality of life is going downhill fast, none of the doctors I have seen seem to be comfortable giving me narcotics for pain relief, for fear of addiction, I’m truly suffering and do not know where to turn now. I have had X-rays, MRI’s, and specialists and therapists say my knee is fine, and can’t figure out why there is pain. I have done everything the doctors told me, rest, ice, very disciplined physical therapy sessions, and stayed away from sports activity for 6 months, why is there still pain? And why won’t the swelling go away?

The reason why you can’t get an answer is because the solution lies outside of their knowledge base. “Licensed health care professionals” only look at your body in “pieces” meaning they are only looking at your knee. What they are not looking at is the relationship of your knee with:

  • If the stress in your body is causing so much tension and your bones begin to rub together causing your knee pain…
  • If your body needs to be stretched properly so there is enough “space” for your body to move without it restricting the movement in your knees…
  • If your tendons and ligaments in your knees are not strong enough to stabilize your knee joint causing the knee to “slide” and creating knee instability…
  • Whether you are drinking enough water and how that has an effect of what is going on with your knees…
  • If the food you are eating is giving your body the fuel it needs to heal the damaged tissues in your knees…
  • The combination of all of these factors and how they contribute to what is going on in your knees…

Do I have to accept that this is the best my knees will feel for the rest of my life?

No, Don’t settle. Accept nothing less than completely pain free knees… There are so many options to getting rid of chronic knee pain, yet not many of them are well-known because most qualified health professionals are not aware of them.

I feel like I have tried everything, acupuncturists, chiropractors, medical doctors, physical therapists, massage therapists, and reflexologists, can you give me some insight as to what to expect from your Ebook and VIRTUAL CLINIC?

You can expect exercises that specifically strengthen the tendons and ligaments in your knee joint. No other program out there, that I know of, addresses that. The programs I have seen are only talking about strengthening the muscles in the legs to strengthen the knee joint – this just doesn’t resolve the pain.

How will I know after the exercises that my knee is healing and not getting worse?

As long as your licensed health care professional has determined that nothing is broken or torn and you are given permission to “resume normal activities” the exercises are going to be just fine for you. Just remember to go slowly, build up gradually, and be consistent and you will be just fine… Remember to drink the proper amount of water and eat proper foods to make sure your body has the best chance to heal your knees.

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