Clickbank – The Comfort Zone

Dear Friends,

Let me ask you a question.

How many times have you wanted to wear high heels,
but couldn’t because of your knee pain?

In fact, if it wasn’t for your knee pain, what would you be doing right now?

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  • Yoga?
  • Hiking?
  • Playing with your children or grandchildren?
  • Getting back at the gym?
  • Going for a run or a walk?
  • Dancing the night away?


The fact is, knee pain is a debilitating problem affecting hundreds of people every single day. It doesn’t just affect you, it affects your spouse, your friends, your kids and your pets too!

It seems like nothing works to get rid of the pain – even going to the extreme of surgery can’t promise you results. In fact, despite having the ligaments and tears corrected, you were probably told the pain could last forever.

Maybe you’ve had this pain since you were younger, or maybe you’ve become so accustomed to it, you’ve just accepted it as who you are. Maybe you just don’t believe any natural remedy can actually CURE your knee pain. After all, if a doctor can’t fix it—who can? Right?

Listen, you don’t have to believe me… yet.

I completely understand that you don’t want to believe something so incredible, so amazing and so life-changing; only to get your hopes up once again—for nothing.

Let me explain, I appreciate what you’re going through because like you—I was a chronic knee pain sufferer. In fact, without having a knee replacement, no one has been in more pain than I have.

You see, I’ve dislocated my knee four times. And when my ACL ripped – I can’t begin to describe the extreme, intense agony I experienced. It made me scream out with desperate, gut-wrenching pain.

It’s absolutely terrifying. It’s so incredibly painful and you have no idea what’s going to happen to you. It is clearly the most defining moment in my life—and in yours too, if you’re living with knee pain every single day.

That’s why I decided to create this program. I get what you’re going through right now and I need to tell you—I have the real credentials that medicine just can’t compete with. I’ve had the pain you’re experiencing.

And I have gone through all the medical options… including surgery.

And I have faced the devastating despair of endless pain AFTER surgery. Physical therapy and alternative healing practices included. I did everything possible and nothing worked.

I was 28 years old. I was not going to live with that pain. To endure the physical and emotional stress of constant knee pain…? NO. Not me. And having a knee replacement just wasn’t an option I would consider.

I was determined that above anything else, I would find a way to get rid of the pain and begin whatever healing process I needed to prevent the pain from happening ever again.

In 2011, I created an entirely new program, designed to help women just like you—the knee pain sufferers who truly believe they have no other option but to stay at home on the couch… to feel like your world is closing in, like you can’t risk exercise…

This program was designed to get you moving again. Help you enjoy dancing. Have your heels back on your feet and out of your closet… it was designed to get rid of your pain completely.


Even if you’ve had surgery, you can stop your knee pain FOREVER,
in as little as 30-days!

This program is so revolutionary and so incredible, you’re going to learn the foundation of MY own knee treatment program today. That’s right. You’re going to learn the exact steps and directions to get you enjoying life again, without having the constant pain you’ve come to expect EVERY SINGLE DAY. And yes, I’m completely serious.



The Comfort Zone:
11 Unconventional Stretches to Stop Knee Pain

This radical new program is designed to help you finally get rid of your knee pain forever, without needing costly treatments, medications, surgeries or therapists. In fact, you won’t need any equipment at all.

That’s because unlike other systems currently available, I’ve developed an entire system which uses your body’s natural abilities to release pain and it’s ability to restore comfort where you currently experience pain.


You’re the Rock of Your Family – You Must Step Up
When You’re Needed

This program works with virtually ANYONE who wants to improve their knee pain. It doesn’t matter if you’re a stay-at-home mom, business entrepreneur, yoga instructor or looking to maintain your overall health—this program can and will help the relentless, unexplainable pain, without supplements or medication.

Most importantly, it helps women who are frustrated, fearful of continuing their exercise program, disillusioned with gaining weight, feeling like they can’t even look attractive anymore with those ugly flat shoes and loose fitting clothes…

It’s for every woman who’s wanted to play with their children, but just couldn’t manage to bend and move easily without pain. It’s for the women who want to look their best, and be engaged in life, but knee pain gets in the way.

You know exactly who I’m talking about, because it’s someone like you.

You need to find a way to get rid of your pain, because you have more important things to take care of.

Now I’d like to take a minute and clarify, I have absolutely nothing against specialists or medical professionals. If something is broken or torn, you need to have it looked after – this program is NOT designed to fix that. That type of pain needs a medical professional.

But, if you’ve been otherwise healthy and had your knee checked – and nothing’s there—you need to get this started now. In all honesty, residual pain lasts long after the injury has gone, but you don’t need to spend the rest of your life suffering!

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“How amazing and surprising the process was that got me out of knee pain… I spent nearly two years trying to fix my knee pain. After merely two months with Bill, my pain decreased 90%.”

~ Janella P, Pittsburgh, PA[/features_box_grey]


Your Knee Pain Isn’t Going to Disappear on Its Own
Take Control of Your Knee Pain Now
and Live the Life You Want Today!

You need to discover what hundreds of other women have already realized: “The Comfort Zone: 11 Unconventional Stretches to Stop Knee Pain” is the ONLY program designed to show you the fundamental techniques and step by step instructions needed to get rid of your knee pain. Yourself.

In this program, you’ll learn the vital knee stretches and immediate lifestyle changes that you can start RIGHT now to lessen the pain you’re currently having that ruins your life.

[features_box_grey width=”75%” + border=”2px”]

“Even though I live in New Zealand, Bill talked me through his amazing techniques which had an instant and continuing effect on helping my knee pain. I hope that continuing with his remedial plan will halt any need for surgery.”

~ Nicola S, New Zealand[/features_box_grey]

It’s so easy to get started. Here’s what you’ll learn,

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  • How to get to the source of your knee pain so that you are supporting your body in relaxing and releasing stress that prolongs and amplifies the pain in your knee
  • How to properly perform the eleven knee stretches that actually reduce and eliminate pain quickly
  • How to move slowly and breathe properly while performing each stretch so you provide the ultimate relaxation for your body and restore the feeling of comfort your knees once had
  • Step by step online video instruction for each stretch that you can watch and verify your movements and position
  • How to release the pressure on the nerves, allowing you to support your own healing and feel the tension pattern move out of the knee and relieve you from pain


That’s right. You’ll receive a complete step-by-step guide in my comprehensive eBook AND you’ll receive the online video instruction set in my private viewing area. This combination of videos and book will help you optimize your stretches while you minimize the pain. And this program has lasting impact. Because you can always use the same stretches and get the same results anytime knee pain shows up again.

How Much is Your Knee Pain Costing You Right Now?

[features_box_grey width=”75%” + border=”2px”]

“I don’t feel old, I was just not ready for a serious problem. I’ve had minor surgery in the past and it’s very hard on the body. I didn’t even think that I can survive surgery. So I wanted to do whatever I could to avoid that.

I felt you were honest and that I could trust you and I started by just downloading your e-book. I figured that was a minor investment of money and if it turned out to be not for me, I wasn’t going be out a lot of money, but I’ve read your e-book and it made a lot of sense. It’s very easy. It’s just following your directions as far as the passive exercises. I’ve changed the way I eat. I’ve lost 23 pounds and hopefully counting, and I drink lots of water.”

~ Susan R[/features_box_grey]

How many times has your knee held you back from what you needed or wanted to do? Think about all the times you’ve wanted to go out and dance, play on the floor with little ones, or go for a run? But, what if you knew that you could never have to suffer from the discomfort and difficulty your knee pain causes again…

How much would you be willing to pay, to lose your knee pain forever?

Getting back to living the life you want doesn’t even seem possible with your incurable knee pain. Well, imagine, that it is possible. What if you could reduce your overall knee pain in only 3 weeks, for only $26? That’s right, for $26, you’ll have access to the comprehensive how-to eBook guide AND the complete set of online, in-depth videos!


You’ll Have Everything You Need
to Get Rid of Your Knee Pain Now

But listen, that’s not all I’m going to do. I am so confident that my program is going to help you FINALLY get rid of your knee pain, that I’m willing to back it up with my unconditional, money-back guarantee.

That’s right. If this stretching program and lifestyle changes do not reduce or eliminate your knee pain at all, I’ll give you your money back—no questions asked. It really is that simple. That’s how confident I am that you’re going to be out of your flats and back in your dancing shoes in only 30 days!

You want to be happy, comfortable and enjoying life – and that’s exactly what I can help you achieve. I managed to finally get back to enjoying life and I want you to do the same thing.

But listen, that’s not all I’m going to do.

[guarantee_box_1 title=”Our 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee”]I am so confident that my program is going to help you FINALLY get rid of your knee pain, that I’m willing to back it up with my unconditional, money-back guarantee. That’s right. If this stretching program and lifestyle changes do not reduce or eliminate your knee pain at all, I’ll give you your money back—no questions asked.[/guarantee_box_1]

It really is that simple.

That’s how confident I am that you’re going to be out of your flats and back in your dancing shoes in only 30 days!

You want to be happy, comfortable and enjoying life
– and that’s exactly what I can help you achieve. I managed to finally get back to enjoying life and I want you to do the same thing.

[features_box_grey width=”75%” + border=”2px”]

“I googled knee pain and found your web site. I was immediately fascinated. The holistic touch surprised me very much. And you really get me motivated.

Now I can walk as fast I want and as far as I want. I even run some 20 meters now and then. Some soreness can be felt now and then, but I know that it will not increase. I have learned the habit to do the passive strechings during the day when there is a suitable time for it.

I do not know any other programs like this, but it is really very carefully constructed and easy to understand. I have already recommended your program to many friends. Because it has helped me, and because such help is not given by doctors or physiotherapists.”

~ Camilla K, 64 Years Old[/features_box_grey]

What are you waiting for? You could continue suffering with your knee pain, unable to do the things in life you enjoy—or, you could finally make the decision to change your life forever. You have absolutely nothing to lose except your knee pain! Remember, if you don’t notice an improvement in your knee pain, I’ll give you your money back!


Get The Comfort Zone: 11 Unconventional Stretches to Stop Knee Pain Now and Say Good-Bye to Sitting on the Couch!

You could continue living life on the sidelines, or you could make the decision to change your life forever. Get the only program that can help you virtually eliminate the knee pain you’re feeling every single day.


Purchase Your Program Now for ONLY $26
Remember, you’ll receive the complete comprehensive eBook guide to walk you through each stretch – it’s designed to help you improve your knee pain and increase your everyday living AND you’ll receive a comprehensive video instruction of every stretch too! You’ll see how to perform every stretch entirely – removing the risk for error and injury.

Visa MasterCard & PayPal

Remember, you have absolutely nothing to lose with my 100% Iron-Clad Guarantee. If these stretches don’t work to reduce your knee pain, I’ll give you your money back—no questions asked.



Remember, you can start enjoying your life, doing the things you want to do and finally leaving your knee pain behind you forever. Make the choice to change your life today.


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“I feel that general tension patterns were released and I felt that it worked beautifully as an integral part of a mind/body/spirit healing approach. The results were so tangible. It was better than the chiropractic/massage program that I used to use.”

~ Martha S[/features_box_grey]

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